S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT Protégé: Susan M. Bergmann, LCSW-C, ICADC, CCDC Addictions Coordinator, St. Marys Health Dept. Mentor: Peter Luongo, Ph.D. Director, Maryland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Admin.
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT PROBLEM: Miscommunication Ineffective Referral Process Inefficient Transition of Clients
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT GOAL: Facilitate an open and accessible system of addictions care Assure that entry into the continuum of care at any level facilitates access to treatment at every level Establish a written referral protocol
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT SOLUTION: Convene committee of prevention and treatment providers Identify elements of referral process Model ideal referral system
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT SOLUTION: ~Continued~ Test model conceptually Create and implement written referral protocol/form in a collaborative manner Elicit feedback from stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of the tool
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT BARRIERS: Decades of miscommunication and mistrust Lack of systemic constructs within the existing dynamic Resistance stemming from a perceived loss of potential resources and control
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT SUCCESSES: Relevant personnel sat down and discussed the need for an effective and efficient referral process Written referral was created and implemented Feedback was incorporated to further increase staff ease of use
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT NEXT STEPS: Substance abuse providers within the region have expressed a desire to utilize the standardized referral process Mental health providers and homeless shelters in the county have expressed an interest in utilizing the referral process Efforts to open lines of communication need to continue
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT PERSONAL GROWTH: Partnering: Increased ability to start where the organization is Influencing & Negotiating: Discovered the value of translating partners input into the explanation of a compelling need Team Building: Emphasized inclusion so that all coalition members were responsible for group decisions
S YSTEM B UILDING T HROUGH R EFERRAL P ROCESS I MPROVEMENT FUTURE DIRECTION: Continue to implement referral protocol with a larger network of partners Persist in working toward a regional effective and efficient system of care Nurture new skills in order to increase capacity to be a great leader.