Paleolithic Dates and Places: 30,000-9,000BCE Western Europe People: Nomads Hunter-gatherers Two bison, ca. 15,000-10,000BCE. Fig. 1-3.
Paleolithic Themes: Survival Fertility Animals Forms: Spotted horses and negative hand imprints, Pech-Merle, ca. 22,000BCE. Fig. 1-4. Forms: Anatomical exaggeration Pictorial definition Twisted perspective
Paleolithic Example: Portable Fertility figure Survival Exaggeration Nude Woman (Venus of Willendorf), ca. 28,000-25,000BCE. Fig. 1-2.
Paleolithic Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000-13,000BCE. Fig. 1-6.
Paleolithic Example: Deep in cave New tools Use of surface Twisted perspective Animals Signs and representations of humans Narrative? Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000-13,000BCE. Fig. 1-6. Rhinoceros, wounded man, and disemboweled bison, Lascaux, France, ca. 15,000-13,000BCE. Fig. 1-8.
Neolithic Dates and Places: 9,000-2,000BCE Western Europe, Near East People: Settled in villages Farmers Complex rituals Stonehenge, ca. 2500-1600BCE. Fig. 1-9.
Neolithic Themes: Human activity Building for community Forms: Composite view Mud brick and stone construction Post-and-lintel Monumental sculpture Deer Hunt, ca. 5750BCE. Fig. 1-7.
Neolithic Example: Post-and-lintel construction Monumental architecture Megaliths Astronomical observatory Stonehenge, ca. 2500-1600BCE. Fig. 1-9.
Ancient Near East People: City-states and empires Agriculture Dates and Places: 3500-330BCE “Fertile Crescent” of Mesopotamia Ziggurat at Ur, ca. 2100BCE. Fig. 1-11. People: City-states and empires Agriculture Specialized labor and social hierarchies Writing system Complex religions
Ancient Near East Themes: Offerings Gods Warfare and hunting Rulers Forms: Mud brick construction Natural and conceptual treatments of figures Registers of space Hierarchy of scale Head of an Akkadian ruler, ca. 2250-2200BCE. Fig. 1-15.
Ancient Near East: Sumer Example Ziggurat platform Monumental mud construction Temple for god on top Cella for priests Votive offerings placed inside Ziggurat at Ur, ca. 2100BCE. Fig. 1-11. Statuettes of two worshippers, ca. 2700BCE. Fig. 1-13.
Ancient Near East: Sumer Standard Of Ur, ca. 2600BCE. Fig. 1-14.
Ancient Near East: Sumer Example: Burial good Historical narrative on two sides Offerings and ritual Warfare Registers of space Hierarchy of scale Standard of Ur, ca. 2600BCE. Fig. 1-14.
Ancient Near East: Akkad Example: Divine kingship and its attributes Warfare Cuneiform Hierarchy of scale Composite view Organization versus disarray Landscape Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, ca. 2254-2218BCE. Fig. 1-16.
Ancient Near East: Babylon Example: Law code Cuneiform King Hammurabi and god Shamash Symbols of authority Composite view with some foreshortening Stele of Hammurabi, ca. 1780BCE. Fig. 1-17.
Ancient Near East: Assyria Example: Low relief sculpture In palace citadels Narrative scenes Naturalism Controlled hunt Warfare and hunting to show ruler’s power Period of constant warfare Ashurbanipal hunting lions, ca. 645-640BCE. Fig. 1-19.
Ancient Near East: Achaemenid Persia Persepolis, ca. 521- 465BCE. Fig. 1-21.
Ancient Near East: Achaemenid Persia Example: Citadel complex Home to king and court Fortified and elevated Monumental gateway Audience hall (apadana) Relief sculpture of processions Influence of Greek art through trade Destroyed by conqueror Alexander the Great Persepolis, ca. 521 465BCE. Fig. 1-21.