Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Sources.
Nonrenewable Energy Sources A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made, re-grown or regenerated on a scale comparative to its consumption. Often fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are considered non-renewable resources, as they do not naturally re-form at a rate that makes the way we use them sustainable. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Renewable Energy Resource A renewable resource is any natural resource that is depleted at a rate slower than the rate at which it regenerates, or be depleted at such a rate that it is unlikely to be depleted in the conceivable future.
Petroleum Based
Renewable Energy Sources
Resource/Reserves Resource Reserve Naturally occurring substance of use to humans that can potentially be extracted from the earth using current technology. Reserve Known deposits from which materials can be extracted profitably with existing technology under certain economic conditions. The history of the oil reserve.
Fossil-Fuel Formation Coal Formation Oil and Natural Gas
Coal Formation Heat and pressure the two factors in coal formation.
Peat Organic matter 5% Water 90% Volatile matter 5%
Lignite Peat covered by shallow oceans Build up of sediment Less water and more burnable material
Bituminous Reduction of water to 3% Lignite change be extreme heat, pressure and time reducing water and becoming a much more combustible material.
Anthracite Coal 96 % carbon Most combustible
Reserves throughout the World
Oil and Gas Formation Similar to coal formation Supply of organic matter in microscopic marine organisms Under shale the organism released oil droplets Found above shale and under impermeable rock.
Oil and Gas Formation