Consumer Research
Consumer Research Consumer research is subset of marketing research. It enables marketers to study and understand consumer’s needs and wants, and how they make consumption decisions.
Types of Consumer Research Quantitative Research: Descriptive in nature Research methods used in quantitative research consist of experiments, survey techniques, observations etc. Findings are descriptive, empirical and if collected randomly, can be generalized to larger population. Statistical analysis could be done on data. Such research is generally used to understand the effects of various promotional inputs on consumer. Qualitative Research It include in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective techniques etc. These techniques are administered by highly trained interviewer or analysts. Findings are more subjective Findings cannot be generalized to larger populations. Such research is generally used to obtain ideas for promotional campaigns and products.
Comparison between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs Basis of Comparison Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Study Purpose Insight about new ideas, exploratory research Describing target market- their characteristics & reactions Type of Questions Open ended, unstructured, projective technique. Close ended, structure, use of scaling, questions are not disguised Data Collection Methods In-depth interviews and focus groups Survey conducted in person, by phone or mail, online. Observation, experimentation also used Sampling Method Non probability samples, small sample size, finding cannot be generalized Probability sampling, large sample size, results can be generalized Data Analysis Experts can analyze the data, subjective. Researcher analyze the data by using statistical tools.
Consumer Research Process Collecting & Evaluating Secondary Data Designing Primary Research Study Defining Objective Collecting Primary Data Analyzing Data Findings
Collecting Secondary Data Information that is originally generated for some purpose other than the present research objective. INTERNAL SECONDARY DATA EXTERNAL SECONDARY DATA COMMERCIAL DATA
Designing Primary Research Quantitative Research Design Qualitative Research Design Depth Interviews Observational Research Focus Groups Experimentation Projective Techniques Survey Metaphor Analysis
Observational Research This is the best way to gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between people and products is by watching them in the process of buying and using the products. Mechanical Observation Physiological Observation
Experimentation Experimentation is used in causal research. Only some variables are manipulated (independent variable), while all other elements are kept constant and its effect on dependent variable is studied. Major application is test marketing: Before launching a new product, elements such as package, price and promotion are manipulated in controlled setting in order to predict sales.
Survey Personal Interview Telephone Survey Mail Survey Online Survey
Quantitative research data collection instruments Questionnaires Disguised or undisguised Open ended or close ended Dichotomous or multiple choice Attitude Scales Likert Scale (level of agreement or disagreement) Semantic Differential Scale (bipolar adjectives) Behavior intention scale Rank order scale
Qualitative Research designs Depth interviews Focus Groups Metaphor Analysis Projective Techniques It is designed to tap the underlying motives of individuals. E.g. sentence completion, ink blots, word association, TAT
Sampling and Data Collection Data Analysis Reporting research findings Decision Making
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