Pi (π) Area = πr2 = πd Numeracy and Product Design Circumference Many products you design will involve circles. You should all by now be familiar with a very important number to do with circles called…. You can use Pi to find the area or the circumference of a circle. You need to know these formulae: Area = πr2 radius diameter Circumference = πd Pi (π) The circumference is the distance round the outside of a circle
Numeracy and Product Design 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647……. You have 5 minutes to remember Pi to as many decimal places as you can. Test each other – how far can you get? Who is the class champion? If you need it to more decimal places your form tutor has a sheet they can print. March 14th is National Pi Day… 3:14 This week’s Numeracy Activity is the annual Pi competition. It’s your job to remember Pi to as many decimal places as you can!