WELLBEING Lessons Term 1 Week 4 Recall doing PP lessons last year. WELLBEING Lessons Term 1 Week 4
Term 1 Wellbeing WALT: to revise the meaning of wellbeing to identify words related to wellbeing WILF: An understanding of the meaning of ‘wellbeing’ by creating a ‘wellbeing word bank’ Slide 2 Read WALT and WILF.
What is Wellbeing? Revisit definition: What are we talking about when we say ‘wellbeing’? Activities-complete a KWL chart What do we Know about wellbeing? What do we Want to know about wellbeing? ? Slide 3 Display KWL chart for adding to later
Wellbeing Words “Wellbeing refers to a person’s state of happiness and health” What things/activities contribute to/help my wellbeing? ES1/St1 Teachers use a picture of a body and match words to the body ST 2/3 Students ‘think pair share’ their answers. Add answers to chart for display. Slide 4 Discuss definition from last year’s lessons. Students pair, share their words and share their answers with class. At this stage, although students are writing words to do with each aspect, don’t categorise yet, just brainstorm a few different words associated with wellbeing. You may use the wordbank provided to prompt students.
My Wellbeing How did you feel at the end of last year? How do you feel now, compared to the end of last year? What did you do in the holidays to improve your wellbeing? How did you do in the holidays to improve your wellbeing? (happiness and heath) Slide 5 Lead students to recognise that their wellbeing may not have been as good at the end of the year as it is now after the holidays. Discuss what the students did over the holidays and the type of activities that helped their wellbeing.
Today we have learnt about: Wellbeing: and what it means Watch clip and discuss: https://youtu.be/An2OaIbPSII?list=PLHHEA32K9gqtp7tpoB_0TmzlYodOCpT87 It’s important to keep a positive attitude for our wellbeing. Slide 6 Watch clip. Display the KWL chart and word chart in the class so students can add words to the chart during the week. Encourage students to discuss wellbeing with their parents. What types of things do their parents do to help their own wellbeing?