ENGAGING AND MOTIVATING LOTE learners in the MIDDLE YEARS Elizabeth Karakehagias educongr@hotmail.com 22/09/2018
The goal of the LOTE curriculum is to develop life-long, self-directed learners which necessitates the shift in responsibility for the management of the learning from the teacher to the learner Students who are less willing to engage in oral activities appear to participate more when we use ICT 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (1) Reading – introduce or revise vocabulary Spelling – visual of what the word looks like Grammar – group them into nouns/verbs/adjectives Vocabulary – synonyms/antonyms/missing word/make sentence/missing letters 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (2) Students are shown a card with the beginning of a sentence and they are asked to continue the story or predict what comes next Matching questions and answers Celebrity heads Follow directions 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (3) Memory tester - place flash cards in a circle on the floor, give students one minute to memorize what they can see and then in groups they have to recall and write/draw as many as they can Identification activity - cover the flash card with a piece of paper and slowly reveal it, have students guess what it is 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (4) Drilling - place 9 cards on the board and draw a grid around them, point to each one as you drill them, always pointing to the one you are drilling – gradually remove each flash card BUT continue to drill and point to its place as if it is still there – once you remove all the cards ask the students to put them back into their correct place 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (5) Flashcard war - write questions on one side of the card and the answers on the back, stack the cards in the middle of the table – each student takes turns at to answer the question and if they answer correctly they keep it if they answer incorrectly it is returned to the centre 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (6) Telephone whispers - students stand in a row, the teacher shows a flash card to the last student, the student then reads it and whispers it to the student in front of him/her who whispers it to the student in front of them and so on until it gats to the front of the line 22/09/2018
FLASH CARDS (7) Story dominoes - one student picks up a card from the centre of the table and tells a story about it, the next student picks up the next card and tries to continue the story What is it? - student picks up a flash card and describes I to the rest of the group/class and they try to guess what it is 22/09/2018
Dix Points (ten points) GAMES (1) Dix Points (ten points) this game can be used to review any kind of vocabulary by reading a word/expression/phrase in English or the LOTE and asking for the translation. 22/09/2018
Bingo– GAMES (2) a fun way to review vocabulary and grammar. Prepare cards with grids Write verbs in different tenses Teacher reads out the verbs in the Present 22/09/2018
GAMES (3) Hangman a fun way to practise vocabulary/grammar/simple phrases. Make up a list of questions or sentences related to whatever you want to practise. 22/09/2018
GAMES (4) Twenty questions using flash cards write words from a vocabulary group e.g. animals, times 2, distribute them and ask the students to find their pair by asking questions in the LOTE 22/09/2018
GAMES (5) Missing Headlines – The aim is for students to read silently for information then speaking/discussing in pairs. Cut out news items from a LOTE newspaper, paste the headlines and the article separately 22/09/2018
GAMES (6) Flip a Card – students will develop vocabulary/ form sentences Have a pack of cards – for each card from ace to king, assign 2 letters of the alphabet and write these on the board e.g. ace-A,N – 2-B,O Beginners say a word beginning with one of the letters that card represents Intermediate – make a sentence 22/09/2018
GAMES (7) Running dictation- promotes reading, recall, oral language/correct pronunciation, spelling/dictation as well as cooperation 22/09/2018
Using u-tube - songs Type up the lyrics for each student, with words missing that they can fill in, and/or ask questions about the language used 22/09/2018
LOTE activities to engage students (1) Guest speakers Cooking demonstrations/lessons Exposure to music Correspondence with e-pals 22/09/2018
LOTE activities to engage students (2) Celebrate national days Investigate famous people Investigate sports teams 22/09/2018
LOTE activities to engage students (3) Investigate cities Investigate produce/regions Celebrations/special days/birthdays/name days 22/09/2018
LOTE activities to engage students (4) Competitions organised by LOTE association Puppets Excursions to watch a film 22/09/2018
USEFUL SITES (1) Aussie educator Smart board resources -languages other than English -Victoria -learning and teaching support Smart board resources Wiki – view LOTE – languages resources 22/09/2018
USEFUL SITES (2) Berwick Secondary College – using multimedia in LOTE ais.vic.edu.au/schools/gov_programs/language.htm Bookdepository.uk Notebooksoftware Easyspeak Green octopus-the language company 22/09/2018
USEFUL SITES (3) Quizlet.com Northumberland.gov.uk www.language.factory.co.uk Intex book company-international resources www.languagesmadeeasy.com.au …made easy 22/09/2018