Two Basic Energy Types Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Energy that is stored Energy of motion
Electromagnetic Energy Energy that travels in waves (released into space by stars)
Visible Light Exists as both waves and particles Travels at a constant speed of 186,000 mph (3.0x108 m/s) Solar energy from the sun is where most of the energy on earth comes from
Types of kinetic energy
Thermal Energy Energy of moving particles (micro) Heat Created by light, sound, friction, nuclear radiation, fission, fusion
Mechanical Energy Energy of moving parts (macro) Normally uses gears Moving wheels on a bike, blades on a fan, hands on a clock
Electrical Energy Energy of electrons moving through a wire Direct Current (DC) electricity comes from batteries Alternating Current (AC) electricity is in the wall outlet Measured in volts—Flow is current (EMF—electromotive force)
Magnetic Energy Energy causing a push or pull James Maxwell showed relationship between electricity & magnetism (remember electromagnetic energy) MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging)
Forms of Potential Energy
Chemical Energy Energy stored in chemical bonds Food, fuel, batteries, all things flammable
Nuclear Energy Energy stored in the nucleus of atoms 2 Types: Fission (splitting) & Fusion (joining)
Energy stored in materials that are stretched Elastic Energy Energy stored in materials that are stretched
Gravitational Energy Energy stored in objects due to their position above the earth’s surface Hydroelectric power is produced using gravitational energy