God’s Faithfulness over 20 years Straffordville EMC God’s Faithfulness over 20 years
our home for 18+ years
Getting to know our community
Our Building lot
A concept of our future home
Building details Pre-fabricated steel structure. 80x100 =8000 sq.ft foot print Plus 3000 sq.ft second floor Plus 1700 sq.ft. balcony Main auditorium = 250 people Balcony = 100 people
Mail Floor Layout
Cost projections Contractor projected quote = $1 500 000 (this includes paved parking lot and furnishings) SEMC act as contractor = savings of $150 000 SEMC volunteer work = savings of $150 000 Building lot valued at $100 000 paid in full Funds on hand = $370 000 Projected community fund raising = $30 000 SEMC projected pledges = $40 000 SEMC projected annual Thanksgiving offering = $40 000 MFC mortgage =$450 000 PC card fundraiser = approx. half of said mortgage payment. Equals a shortfall of $170 000.
How can you help? Pray that the leaders of SEMC would make wise choices. Share this video to get the word out about our vision. Would you, your church, organisation or business consider contributing financially or volunteering time toward the completion of the new facility?
Contact information Call -519-866-5460 Email - semchurch@amtelecom.net Website – www.straffordvilleemc.ca