Describing Motion Draw a detailed diagram like figure 2-9 that represents the response to conceptual example 2-4. Objective(s)/SWBAT (Students will be able to): Cite kinematic equations Solve constant acceleration problems Activities: Derive 4 kinematic equations 2 or 3 example problems Closure: Students solve constant acceleration problems Assessment: Problem set Test Standards, 3.1.b,c,d , 3.4.c
Today Standards 3.1.b,c,d 3.4.c Students will be able to: Site kinematic equations Solve constant accelerations problems Standards, 3.1.b,c,d , 3.4.c
Kinematic Equations Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity.
Assume constant acceleration Kinematic Equations Area = Vit Area = ½(Vf - Vi)t Vf Vi t Assume constant acceleration
Second Equation The area under the curve on a velocity vs. time graph yields displacement.
Third Equation Substitute the final velocity from the first equation into the second.
Fourth Equation
Fourth Equation
Kinematic Equations Derive the kinematic equations Do problems 19, 21, 23 (odd year) Do problems 20, 22, 26 (even year)
Poster Contest Create a poster of the kinematic equations. Or Create a poster that show the solution to a kinematics example problem. Standards, 3.1.b,c,d , 3.4.c
Criteria Best Graphic quality Best illustration of the solution or concept Most creative Overall, Best Kinematics Poster. Standards, 3.1.b,c,d , 3.4.c