An Overview of Foreign Investment, Borsa Istanbul and Real Estate Sector March 2016
Foreign Investment Trend in Turkey Sources: TurkStat, CBRT, Ministry of Economy, TCMA, BRSA, Treasury 22.09.2018 |
Ratings of Turkish Economy Credit Ratings (foreign currency) Outlook: stable negative negative 22.09.2018 |
Global Preference to Own a Company in Turkey Source: Ministry of Economy 22.09.2018 |
International Rankings of BIST #1 fastest growing derivatives market in the world*** #1 equity marketplace in the region** one of the largest organized repo markets world’s 3rd most liquid* equity market world’s 5th largest organized bond market in terms of turnover velocity * in terms of trading volume; Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia ** in terms of trading volume,2015 ; World*** 22.09.2018 |
Position of Real Estate Investment Companies in BIST Equity Market Shares , ETFs, REICs Warrants, Certificates, Investment Trusts, Venture Capital Trusts BIST Stars (116) BIST Main (185) Watchlist (33) BIST Emerging Companies (20) Pre-Market Trading Platform (14) Collective and Structured Products (59) Exchange Traded Funds (11) Investment Trusts, REICs, Venture Capital Trusts (48) Private Market Debt Securities Market Government and Corporate Bonds, Bills, Eurobonds, Repo-Reverse Repo, Lease Certificates (Sukuk) Outright Purchases and Sales Market Repo-Reverse Repo Market Offering Market for Qualified Investors Repo Market for Specified Securities Interbank Repo- Reverse Repo Market Equity Repo Market International Bonds Market Derivatives Market Futures: Equity, ETF, Equity Index, Currency, Precious Metals, Commodity, Scrap Steel, Foreign Indices (SASX-10), Power Options: Equity, Equity Index, Currency Financial Derivatives Energy and Commodity Derivatives Precious Metals and Diamond Markets Spot Standard & Non-Standard Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Diamonds &Precious Stones Precious Metals Market Precious Metals Lending Market Diamond and Precious Stones Market Source: Borsa İstanbul, 30/09/2015 (*) 219 companies with 226 instruments 22.09.2018 |
Foreign Investor Share in Equity Market Equity Traded Value Share of Foreign Investors in Free-Float Market Capitalization Market Capitalization Share of Foreign Investors in Value Traded Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source: Borsa İstanbul, CRA, September 2015 22.09.2018 |
Listed Real Estate Companies 12,2 bn € Total portfolio value of Real Estate Companies is 12,6 billion Euros. 22.09.2018 |
Listed Real Estate Companies (Mil €) MCAP TRADED VALUE TRADE VOLUME (MONTHLY) ENKA INSAAT 5.517 683 87 EMLAK KONUT GYO 2.914 1.472 998 YENI GIMAT GYO 507 413 1 TORUNLAR GYO 506 107 10 IS GYO 392 187 36 DOGUS GYO 242 14 16 HALK GYO 225 47 13 SAF GYO 203 91 3 OTHER 1.713 438 367 TOTAL 12.219 3.453 1.533 22.09.2018 |
Real Estate Index (XGMYO) Performance in Eur XU100 XGMYO ANNUAL AVERAGE 0,95% 7,14% 22.09.2018 |
Debt Instruments 2014 A total amount of 206 million € debt instruments issued by 4 Real Estate Companies. 2015 A total amount of 187 million € debt instruments issued by 9 Real Estate Companies. 22.09.2018 |