Thursday, March 1st, 2018 Hotel Quartier Arrival at PAHS at 4:40 AM (Auditorium Entrance) Passport check upon boarding motorcoach Departure at 5:00 AM Breakfast & lunch on the way Arrival in Québec at 5:30 PM Hotel Quartier
Thursday, March 1st - continued Dinner at Café du Monde Tobogganing at Terrasse Dufferin
Friday, March 2nd Breakfast at Au Petit Coin Breton Dogsledding through the maple groves at Érablière du Cap Lunch in Old Québec Guided tour of Old Québec Visit Montmorency Falls Dinner at L’Improviste French-Canadian theatre workshop
Saturday, March 3rd Breakfast at Château Frontenac Snowshoeing excursion through the forest Lunch in Old Québec Hotel de Glace (guided tour) Village des Sports
Sunday, March 4th Breakfast (hotel) Departure at 9:00 AM Stop for lunch & dinner Arrival at PAHS at 10:00 PM
PAYMENT SCHEDULE Please try to respect the deadlines. Thank you Sept. 25, 2017 Initial Deposit + Insurance $ 100 + Nov. 8, 2017 2nd Deposit $ 300 Jan. 11, 2018 Balance $ 369 (or less) Please try to respect the deadlines. Thank you
FORMS All forms can be found on WebPage & downloaded FORMS TO FILL-OUT BY PARENT(S) & RETURN BY 2/1/18: Consent (w/ passport info.) 1 Behavior Contract 2 Health Form Liability Release 2 OTHER DOCUMENTS TO READ W/YOUR CHILD: Behavior Guidelines Tips (Travel in major urban centers) Packing List 1 Attach copy of passport page! 2 Witness signature needed! All forms can be found on WebPage & downloaded