IEEE SDN-IoT Workshop
IEEE SDN-IoT Workshop Co-Chairs Baek-Young Choi University of Missouri – Kansas City USA Rajeev Shorey TCS Innovation Lab India/USA Ravindran Kaliappa City University of New York USA
Software Defined Networking Internet-of-Things Software Defined Networking
Schedule 9:00 - 10:40 am Session 1 10:40 - 11:00 am Coffee break Workshop Schedule 9:00 - 10:40 am Session 1 10:40 - 11:00 am Coffee break 11:00 - 12:30 pm Session 2 12:30 - 2:00 pm Lunch 2:00 - 3:30 pm Session 3 3:30 – 4:00 pm 4:00– 5:30 pm Session 4 (Panel) Invited talks – 35 (30+5) min, Selected paper: 20 (15+5) min
Selected Papers! Treating Software-Defined Networks Like Disk Arrays Zhiyuan Teo (Cornell University - USA) Ken Birman (Cornell University - USA) Robbert Van Renesse (Cornell University - USA) Noah Apthorpe (Cornell University - USA) Vasily Kuksenkov (Cornell University - USA) SDN applications - the intent-based Northbound interface realisation for extended applications Minh Pham (University of Technology Sydney - Australia) Doan Hoang (University of Technology Sydney - Australia) Counteracting UDP Flooding Attacks in SDN Hung-Chuan Wei (Yuan Ze University - Taiwan) Yung-Hao Tung (Yuan Ze University - Taiwan) Chia-Mu Yu (Yuan Ze University - Taiwan) Towards Wireless Sensor Network Softwarization Indrajit Acharyya (Auckland University of Technology - New Zealand) Adnan Al-Anbuky (Auckland University of Technology - New Zealand)
Invited Speakers! Saewoong Bahk (Seoul National University - Korea) Aloknath De (Samsung - India) Alberto Leon-Garcia (University of Toronto - Canada) Victor Ki-Hoon Lyou (NAIM Networks - S. Korea) Steven Rim (Korea University &) (NAIM Networks - S. Korea) Ravinder Shergill (TELUS - Canada) Junehwa Song (KAIST - Korea) Jeffrey Tew (Tata Consultancy Services) (Innovation Lab - USA) We are very privileged to have a group of invited speakers of renowned professors from academia and representatives of prominent industry. Dr. Saewoong Bahk a professor at Seoul National University, Dr. Aloknath De, Corporate VP and Chief Technology Officer at Samsung India Dr. Alberto Leon-Carcia, a professor at University of Toronto – Canada Mr.. Victor Lyou, CEO of NAIM network, Korea Dr. Steven Rim, a professor of Korea University and an executive advisor of NAIM networks, Korea Mr. Ravinder Shergill, Principal Technology Architect at TELUS Communications, UK Dr. Junehwa Song, a professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Dr. Jeffrey Tew Chief Scientist and Innovation Lab Director at Tata Consultancy Services, US Also, Thanks to Dr. Taesang Choi from ETRI, Korea for serving as a session chair.
Panel! Challenges and Opportunities of SDN and IoT Panelists: Steven Rim (Korea University & NAIM Networks - S. Korea) Victor Ki-Hoon Lyou (NAIM Networks - S. Korea) Ravinder Shergill (TELUS - Canada) Jeffrey Tew (Tata Consultancy Services Innovation Lab - USA)
Enjoy the Workshop!