Professional Master’s in Statistics (M.Stat) Program Review George R. Brown School of Engineering - STATISTICS Professional Master’s in Statistics (M.Stat) Program Review J.A. Dobelman, Professor in the Practice, Director of M.Stat Program March 27, 2014 Clark Haptonstall, PIP, Chair, director of sport management department
M.Stat Purpose Prepare the student to adapt statistical methodologies to practical problems in a professional setting. Provide customized/individualized programs based on interests and career objectives Confer evidence of having the skills of a practicing statistician Highlight student choice Broad-based or specialized program of study Balanced training: statistical methods, computational statistics and statistical theory Cornell, Kennesaw, Rice, Stanford, UDC, GWU, IUPUI, UW Madison, Columbia PSM: San Jose Univ
M.Stat Program Details M.Stat is a non-thesis Master's degree Does not require an internship. 30 hours of approved coursework, with additional recommended career-enhancing enrichment courses. Mix of required, track-specific and elective courses will be jointly determined by the student and the M.Stat graduate advisor.
M.Stat Details, CONT’D Students meet with the M.Stat advisor Select an individualized plan of study Periodic tune-ups as the program progresses Program normally requires three semesters of full-time course work Part-time M.Stat programs are available for select working students.
M.Stat Specializations Applied Statistics for Industry Financial Statistics and the Statistics of Risk Bioinformatics, Statistical Genetics, and Biostatistics Statistical Computing and Data Science Environmental Statistics Joint MBA/M.Stat Degree Program Preparation for Ph.D. Studies in Statistics, Mathematical Economics, and Finance
M.Stat Successes 13 Graduates 1993-2007 Excellent growth and projection 5 4 13 15 16 19 26 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total in program since 1992: 128 Total graduates through 12/31/13: 85 Typical in-program count: 30 (3 joint) Possible to greatly increase enrollments Non-thesis MA and M.Stat/PSM joint degrees Diverse, enthusiastic student body Excellent placement rates
M.Stat Challenges Growth in applications/admits – review time and advising requirements Need for more citizen students 2010: 8/56 (14.3% citizens or perm.res.) 2011: 12/174 (6.9%) 2012: 9/190 (4.7%) 2013: 13/262 (5.0%) 2014: 12/252 (4.8%) Need for increased marketing efforts Review funding model at GRB SOE level Rice Endowment (33% publically traded equities) 6/08: $4.6B 6/09: $3.6B audited by EOY 09 (EOFY10) (21% hit) FY10, FY11: 5% budget reductions 6/13: $4.84B 5% above 2008 Tuition: 2013-2014 1723 31,000 2500 1.033 2012-2013 1668 30,000 2400 1.034 2011-2012 1612 29,000 2050 1.028 2010-2011 1568 28,200 1942
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