Phragmites Control Technology UC Davis_JM DiTomaso Described by Cathy McGlynn
WIPE-IT Herbicide Applicator Williams Invasive Plant Eradication Indispensible Tool Replaces hand-wicking and wiping method
WIPE-IT Spring steel handle Plastic tube extensions Removable absorbent wicks
Benefits of WIPE-IT Spray bottle adjusted to single stream applies herbicide to wicks Grab plant near base and brush herbicide up plant WIPE-IT is 22” long and many plants can be wiped without bending over Can treat plants up to height of 8’ Steel spring can be adjusted to fit user’s grip and size of plant
WIPE-IT Website Provides instructions for use, cleaning, and other purposes
Harsens Island, Michigan 48028, USA 248-388-0465 Contact: Bob Williams Stewart Farm 2007 Stewart Rd. Harsens Island, Michigan 48028, USA 248-388-0465
Wet Blade System Research Wet blade (Ecoblade) on mowing deck on tractor Herbicide is sprayed as plants are mowed
Wet Blade System Research Experiment on Phragmites could not be completed due to wet soils
However… The experiment on Canada thistle proved successful Herbicide=aminopyralid
Wet Blade System Research Lower rate of application needed Extremely low drift
Drift comparison Filter placed along mowing route
Drift Comparison Herbicide detected below wetblade mower deck or applicator spray nozzle
Drift Comparison For broadcast sprayer herbicide was detected up to 3m from nozzle, while no herbicide was detected below wetblade mower deck
Effectiveness of Wet Blade on Canada Thistle High and medium application rates via wet blade in spring reduced thistle biomass Herbicide levels- none (0 pints per acre), low (4 pints), medium (5 pints), high (6 pints)
Applicability to Phragmites The soil around Phragmites will need to be pretty dry to treat these populations or the tractor would have to remain on the road during treatments, which is possible if the width of the right-of-way is less than 22 feet.
Continued Research Contact- Catherine Tarasoff MI Tech University (906) 487-2396 If you are interested in experimenting with wet blade herbicide application on Phragmites along roadsides