Elaine Graf, MPA Precilla Bobo, B.S. Aging Commission of the Mid-South SADDLE UP FOR FITNESS Elaine Graf, MPA Precilla Bobo, B.S. Aging Commission of the Mid-South
SADDLE UP FOR FITNESS Check Out: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?pli=1#inbox/14db07d598137c1d?projector=1
GOALS Why Fitness Matters Share ACMS Program Lessons Learned Idea Sharing GOALS
Employers spend more than $8500 per active employee on health care coverage (National Business Group on Health, 2011) Contributions to health care costs have increased 45% for employees and 36% for employers in the past 5 years (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2012) An estimated 75% of total spending is for chronic conditions. Just four health risks (tobacco use, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol use), are responsible for much of this chronic disease burden. (CDC, 2012) WHY FITNESS MATTERS
GOAL - CARING FOR OURSELVES AS WE CARE FOR OTHERS In the U.S. only one in five adults meets the CDC’s Guidelines for Physical Activity. The World Health Organization estimates that the number of clinically obese adults has more than doubled since 1980. Obese Americans spend 36% more on healthcare costs & 77% more on medications than their healthier counterparts (Brookings Institute) Add in stress, overwork and compassion fatigue for those in the “helping professions” and we have a crisis GOAL - CARING FOR OURSELVES AS WE CARE FOR OTHERS
HOW ARE WE DOING? * U.S. Obesity rates - CDC 2013
Evidence bAsed research Dr. Mike Evan’s research shows: 150 min/week of exercise, walking etc… Dementia by 50% Diabetes by 58% Hip Fractures by 41% Anxiety by 48% Harvard Study, Death by 23% Even 20 – 30 minutes a day is a health benefit!
Workplace Walking Group 2008 Workplace Walking Group Break time walk approved This group continues today Cited as a “Best Practice” in 2012 monitoring report by our State Unit on Aging. This fitness activity relied upon a flexible break schedule to implement.
Secure the support of top management for your fitness programs. BEST PRACTICE # 1 Secure the support of top management for your fitness programs.
New Programs FITNESS WELLNESS Walk Away the Pounds (video) Line Dancing Shaun T 25 (video) Volleyball Team 7 Week Challenge Healthy Vending Healthy Eating Resource Brochures Weight Watchers Biggest Loser ACMS Healthy Workplaces Lunch and Learn Events Each program was spontaneous and volunteer driven, champions emerged. As new programs were embraced social supports developed that help staff members to choose to be active, eat well and reconsider choices such as smoking. This built morale and increased fun in the workplace New Programs
Workplace wellness programs are not “one size fits all”. BEST PRACTICE # 2 Workplace wellness programs are not “one size fits all”. Any employee wellness initiatives should match the company’s culture and put people first. Diverse needs of employees call for a variety of programs.
NEEDS ASSSESSMENT Fitness Committee Formalized New Goal – On Site Fitness Room Fundraising Goals Set Metrics – Participation, Staff Engagement, Employee Satisfaction & Sustainability. Have some metrics for measurement in mind. For example, participation, demonstrated engagement & sustainability. Employee satisfaction is another aspect you can evaluate. If $ are invested return on investment (ROI) can be measured – ACMS employees raised the $ themselves.
Conduct an Interest Survey/ Needs Assessment. BEST PRACTICE # 3 Conduct an Interest Survey/ Needs Assessment. We didn’t have a cohesive plan first – we began programs as suggested and then caught up by adding some structure. Our survey asked for health education topics of interest some of the top pics were eating healthy, managing diabetes and heart health.
FUNDRAISING Casual Friday Fund Human Vending Machine Lunches (BAR-B-Q BONANZA, SPORTS MANIA & FIESTA). Bottled Water We had suggested donations to avoid breaking any laws regarding taxes.
ROUND UP Secure support of top management Survey your staff to identify needs Identify diverse champions and organize Develop metrics for measurement Empower employees to innovate and try new programs Potential metrics for measurement include, employee satisfaction, participation, engagement (how often, how long) and sustainability of the program. Insurance companies have medical models which include blood pressure, BMI and other measurements.
Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway. John Wayne CLOSING THOUGHT Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway. John Wayne
RESOURCES egraf@agingcommission.org pbobo@agingcommission.org CDC http://www.cdc.gov/workplacehealthpromotion/http://www.cdc.gov/ Federal Wellness Resource Guide http://www.cdc.gov/policy/resources/FederalWellnessResourceGuide.pdf USDA Choose my Plate.gov Small Starts at Work healthiertn.gov Dr. Mike Evans http://www.evanshealthlab.com/23-and-12-hours/ RESOURCES egraf@agingcommission.org pbobo@agingcommission.org