Divisional Title BTEC Approval, Registration and Certification September 2008 – Examination Officer Training
Divisional Title 2 What will be covered today? Centre Approval Qualification Approval Registration Deadlines Registering through JCQ format EDI Registering through Edexcel Online Deletion Policy Top Tips
Divisional Title 3 Centre Approval Schools offering Edexcel qualifications but wishing to offer BTEC programmes for the first time need to gain centre and programme approval. Video - Declaration of Intent The Quality Nominee is the individual taking overall responsibility for the quality assurance of the BTECs in your centre. Once you have completed the declaration you will be ready to proceed to the Centre Approval stage. Video - Centre Approval
Divisional Title 4 Centre Approval Once you have read through the declarations and confirmed your acceptance you will have BTEC centre approval, and will be sent an approval letter to your online mailbox. You will also receive through the post a centre approval certificate. For Schools completely new to Edexcel wishing to offer BTECs please contact your regional office for advice on the process. Contact details for your regional office can be found on our website
Divisional Title 5 Consortium Approval If you are offering a BTEC programme as part of a consortium, you cannot gain consortium approval online. The Lead Centre will need to complete form Consortium, available in the Forms Section on our website. A BTEC Quality Manager will then contact the lead centre to progress the approval. Where the programme is approved for a consortium, all members of the consortium will be externally verified together, by one EV
Divisional Title 6 Qualification Approval You will be able to gain online approval for most of our NQF programmes from Entry Level up to Level 3, including Firsts and Nationals. There are some programmes that cant be approved online, notably the Childrens Care Learning and Development qualifications that require forms BTEC and BTEC 1 Ey Supp. Video – Qualification Approval Once you have chosen the programme you require and gained approval a letter will be sent to your mailbox. You can view approved programmes and order programme definitions at any time. Video - View approvals and order definitions
Divisional Title 7 Registration Deadlines For programmes that follow the academic year, enrolment in September or October the registration deadline is 1st November of the that year. Exceptions to this are programmes that do not follow the standard academic year should be registered within 1 month of enrolment. It is important to provide enrolment dates for these learners to avoid being charged late fees. Registrations made outside of these timeframes will result in late fees.
Divisional Title 8 Registering through JCQ format EDI The JCQ format supports: registration for BTEC qualifications. It does not allow NVQ qualification, individual unit or Modern Apprenticeship registrations amendments to learner registration data acknowledgement of file receipt and processing confirmation of learner overall grades Please note ESOL and Entry Level Adult Literacy & Numeracy courses will appear in the BTEC basedata files and should be administered within the BTEC exams session.
Divisional Title 9 Becoming an BTEC EDI centre Before you are able to obtain your first set of basedata from us we will need some basic information: your file transmission method (AVCO, Redstone, RM or ) to allow us to send results acknowledgement files back to you. Contact name, job title, telephone, fax and address to enable us to file receipt and processing acknowledgements to you: this should be a generic address where possible (e.g., You may details to
Divisional Title 10 Requesting Basedata JCQ basedata tells your software the programme codes and titles for the courses you are approved to offer. Unlike General Qualifications BTEC programme codes are unique to your centre, and as such we cant put the basedata on the main website. We suggest you order basedata for all programmes. The SIMS software in particular will only pick up on the latest basedata file so dont try ordering all your basedata for different programmes separately. If a particular programme is missing it is probably because it is not approved, see guidance on making approvals before requesting new basedata.
Divisional Title 11 Requesting Basedata Video - request basedata If there is a problem an error message will appear asking you to contact us. It will probably be because this is the first time youve requested basedata and will need to be set-up, which we will be happy to do. If the request accepts, the basedata will be ed to you using the address you used to log into Edexcel Online. If you right click the file you will be able to view the basedata or save it to file.
Divisional Title 12 Uploading basedata Once received you need to save the basedata files into your software system. You should then be able to view these from the BTEC exams session as described in Sending Files section, Board 13 (Edexcel Registrations) and series 9B (September). If you have problems uploading basedata into your software you will need to speak to your software provider, they should be the experts on the process
Divisional Title 13 Sending Files BTEC registration and amendment files should be created under Board 13 (Edexcel Registrations) and series 9B (September). Once the file has been verified you will receive a receipt acknowledgment by , and a further once the learners have been registered. This will usually take 3 or 4 working days.
Divisional Title 14 Registering through Edexcel Online Video - register students Registration Type: Full Award: For learners registering on a full BTEC programme Individual Units: For learners that intend to complete units from a BTEC programme only Apprenticeship: To register learners for approved Modern Apprenticeship schemes Enrolment Date: By default this will be the start of the academic year, 1st September. If incorrect, amend it. This date is used to calculate if the registration is late
Divisional Title 15 Registering through Edexcel Online Order Number: This is an optional field allowing you to enter a purchase order number or other reference that will appear on the invoice. It is up to 6 characters in length. SRFs Required: The Student Report Form (SRF) is a paper based certification claim form. If you are going to report results through Edexcel Online you may choose not to receive this. Programme: Drop down list of all the currently approved programmes against which you may register. Register Online: This allows you to enter learner names individually.
Divisional Title 16 Registering through Edexcel Online You can register students by keying them directly into online Video - register online You can also register by spreadsheet. You will need to download a template which you can complete offline and then upload at a later date. Video - download spreadsheet template Video - complete registration spreadsheet Video - Upload completed spreadsheet Once the learners are registered they will be given a registration number and you will be able to view and print a Confirmation Report if you wish.
Divisional Title 17 Unique Learner Numbers (ULNs) Any learner taking a Diploma will require a ULN You obtain the ULN from MIAP - Where the BTEC programme is being studied as part of a Diploma (Additional or Specialist Learning), a ULN must be supplied with the registration EDI formats have been changed to accommodate the ULN Edexcel Online is being changed to accept ULNs
Divisional Title 18 Deletion Policy You are able to request a full refund of registration fees for any learners notified to us by the 31st January of that academic year. To do this you will need to either send us a JCQ amendment file, or us at Include your centre number, the learner names and registration numbers and request us to delete those registrations. Please note any requests received after 31st January will be withdrawn with no refund of fees. Withdrawal requests online or on the SRF will never credit registration fees.