Daily Grammar Practice Jake and his partner forgot to write the girls names Identify the parts of speech for each word. Mark the subject and verb for the sentence. Make appropriate corrections to the sentence.
The Eight Parts of Speech Review
1. Nouns Categories of Nouns Types of Nouns Common – bridge, river Proper – Tim, New Orleans Concrete – shoe, car Abstract – truth, love, beauty Singular – detention Plural - detentions Types of Nouns Person – students, teacher, Mr. Jones, Shakespeare Place – school, Iowa, home Thing – yard stick, belt, referral Idea – sadness, love, surprise
2. Personal Pronouns A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun or another pronoun An antecedent is the word that a pronoun replaces Ex. Tim forgot his book in his locker and so was given 10 Saturday detentions. Antecedent Pronoun
Personal Pronouns Singular Plural *First Person I, me (my, mine) we, us (our, ours) *Second Person you (your, yours) Third Person he, him, she, her, it (his, her, hers, its) they, them (their, theirs) When you are writing papers in this class you will NOT use first or second person personal pronouns!
Other Kinds of Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns: reflects the subject of the sentence – there will always be at least one word between a reflexive pronoun and its antecedent. Ex. Luke Skywalker made himself a lightsaber. Intensive Pronoun: emphasizes a noun or pronoun in the same sentence – almost always comes right after its antecedent. Ex. Luke Skywalker himself blew up the Death Star. Reflexive and intensive pronouns are formed by adding –self or –selves to personal pronouns.
Other Kinds of Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns: point out specific things: this, these, that, and those Ex. I prefer my chair to that over there. Indefinite Pronouns: refer to things not specifically identified – usually don’t have antecedents – another, nothing, on, both, all, any, more, etc. Ex. Everyone loves Star Wars!
Other Kinds of Pronouns Interrogative Pronoun: introduces a question – who, whom, whose, which, what Ex. Who is Luke Skywalker? Relative Pronoun: introduces a noun or adjective clause – who, whom, whose, which, that Ex. Luke Skywalker, who is the coolest person ever, flies in space.
3. Verbs Expresses an action, a condition, or a state of being. Action Verb: expresses an…action! Transitive verb: takes an object Object: noun that receives the action Ex. Timmy kicked the cat. The cat is the object because it is the thing being kicked. Intransitive verb: does not take an object. Ex. Mr. Jones snores at night.
Verbs Linking Verbs: a verb that links the subject to a word in the predicate. Two forms of linking verbs Forms of to be is, am, are, was, were, been, being Ex. Star Wars is the coolest movie ever. Verbs that express condition look, smell, feel, sound, taste, seem, etc. Ex. Darth Vader looks scary.
Verbs Helping Verbs (or Auxiliary Verbs) and Verb Phrases Helping verbs combine with other verbs to create verb phrases Verb phrases express a tense Ex. I will be getting a lightsaber for Christmas. I have gotten a lightsaber for Christmas.
4. Adjectives An adjective modifies the meaning of a noun or pronoun. Ex. Green lightsabers, five lightsabers, etc. Proper adjectives: formed from proper nouns, capitalized Shakespearean, Jamaican, etc.
5. Adverbs An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Often (but not always) ends in –ly. Ex. Mike scrambled quickly from the bee hive. Ex. He was extremely upset. He had knocked down the hive quite accidentally.
6. Prepositions About Before Down Of To Above Behind From On Under After Beside In Out Up Along Between Into Over Upon As By Like Since With At Despite Near Through
Prepositional Phrases A preposition shows the relationship between a noun and another word in the sentence. A prepositional phrase starts with the preposition and ends with the next noun which is called the object of the preposition. Ex. Luke Skywalker is the coolest person in the galaxy. object preposition
7. Conjunctions A conjunction connects words together. Coordinating conjunction: FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so – memorize it! Correlative Conjunctions: Ex. both…and, neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also.
7. Conjunctions A conjunction connects words together. Subordinating conjunction: A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects a subordinating clause to a main clause.
7. Conjunctions
8. Interjections An interjection is a word or phrase the expresses a feeling. A strong interjection (Stop!) is followed by an exclamation point. A mild interjections (Oh,) is followed by a comma. Ex. Wow! This was the most exciting slide ever! Ex. Um, not really.
Write a five-sentence paragraph that uses all eight parts of speech. Writing Practice Write a five-sentence paragraph that uses all eight parts of speech.