By Jordi Yang & Meritxell Galí WHOM WHO THAT WHOSE WHICH Relative pronouns WHY WHERE WHEN WHAT By Jordi Yang & Meritxell Galí 1
Index WHAT and WHY? Kinds Examples Tips Participle clauses Activities 2
Relative pronouns are used to connect two sentences: WHAT and WHY? Relative pronouns are used to connect two sentences: Tom extinguished the fire . The fire has caused big losses. Tom extinguished the fire which has caused big losses. Tom 3
Main Clause Relative pronouns Relative Clause 4
Relative clauses Non-defining Defining Who Who/that Which Which/that Whose When Where Why What Defining Who/that Which/that Whose When Where Why What 5
“Who is twenty” is additional information WHICH is not necessary My sister, who is twenty, is at home. 8
Last night, my neighbor, who is very tall, dropped his beer on the floor. 9
Object/ subject The man who saw me in the park is my uncle. The man saw me in the park. The man is my uncle. The man I saw in the park is my uncle. I saw the man in the park. Subject relative clause. Object relative clause. 10
Who Have you seen that baby? + That baby is crying. Have you seen that baby who is crying? 11
Who 12
Which The table is brown. + The table was imported from India. The table which was imported from India is brown. 13
Which 14
Which The dog is very aggressive. The dog is here. The dog which is very aggressive is here. CANVIAR 15
Which CANVIAR 16
What=The thing which I bought this. + She wants this. She wants what I bought. 17
What 18
Where We went to California. + California has the best ice creams. We went to California, where has the best ice creams. 19
Where 20
Where Next time, we are going to Times Square. + My parents married in Times Square. Next time, we’re going to Times Square where my parents got married. 21
Where 22
When We went to the cinema. + The cinema was full. We went to the cinema when it was full. 23
When 24
Whose That man has become a wanderer. + His house was burned. The man whose house was burned has become a wanderer. 25
Whose 26
PARTICIPLE CLAUSE The are 3 types of participle clauses: Past participle e.g. Worn Shocked by the explosion, the people ran for shelter. Present participle e.g. Arriving Shouting with happiness, Rose said “yes” to Jim’s declaration. Perfect participle e.g. Having finished Having finished his homework, he went to watch television . Certain moment in the past 27
TIPS -If it is a non-defining relative clause you can’t use “that”. Relative pronouns replace an object or a subject, in consequence, you should know what are you replacing. -If you are replacing an object in a defining relative clause, you can omit the relative pronoun. You should take into consideration quantity expressions, which go before the relative pronoun. 28
Disneyland, all of which belongs to the Disney Company, is located in Anaheim 29
Jane is a person WHO everyone likes. Main clause Jane is a person. Relative clause Everyone likes Jane. 30
It is followed by a prepositional phrase: EXCEPTIONS WHEN… It is followed by a prepositional phrase: The man WHO IS in the house is my father. The main verb in the relative clause is progressive: The man WHO IS swimming in the lake is my father 31
Activities 32
Participle Clauses The boy who was waiting in the hall expected a phone call. → The girl who was picked up by her brother was very nice. The house that stands at the end of the road will soon be sold. A friend who helps you in need is a good friend indeed. A picture that shows the image of a person is a portrait. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores. The boy waiting in the hall expected a phone call. The girl picked up by her brother was very nice. The house standing at the end of the road will soon be sold. A friend helping you in need is a good friend indeed. A picture showing the image of a person is a portrait. Animals eating plants are called herbivores. 33
Defining and Non-defining RelativeClauses What's the name of the book. You want me to read it. The man smoked forty cigarettes a day. He died of a heart attack. That's the building. I work there. The Plaza Redonda square is near the cathedral. They hold a market in The Plaza Rodonda square every Sunday. (use WHERE) That's the boy. His mother works in the post office. The school was built in 1907. The school has about 800 students. What's the name of the book (which/that/-) you want me to read? The man who smoked forty cigarettes a day died of a heart attack. That's the building where I work The Plaza Redonda square, where they hold a market every Sunday, is near the cathedral. That's the boy whose mother works in the post office. The school, which has about 800 students, was built in 1907.
Subject or Object? object Do you know the girl who I danced with? Do you know the girl who danced with me? The apples that we bought in the shop are bad. We will stay at a hotel which my friend has recommended to us. This is the man who lives in Scotland.- That is a museum which I like very much. - subject object object subject object
Bibliography 37 38
Thank you 39