Life at the Turn of the Century Chapter 16 Section 1 Expansion of Education
Objectives Students will be able to: Understand how and why public schools expanded during the late 1800s. Compare the role of the teacher in the late 1800s to today Evaluate the importance of higher education for all students in the United States today
Type 1 - Question of the Day 12/20/10 Do you think changes need to be made in American education in order to better prepare students for their future roles? Please explain.
Expansion of Education Why was education important for this time period? Citizens need to know how to read and write Economic and social success Why did most students drop out before high school? Work, help families Only needed to learn how to read and write How were they taught? One room schools, by an older or educated student
Expansion of Education Why was assimilation important to immigrants? Learn to speak, write, read English Cook, act and become Americanized. What was the role of the teacher in these schools? SEE pg. 554
Rules for teachers Teachers each day will fill lamps, clean chimneys Each teacher will bring a bucket of water and scuttle of coal for the day’s session. Make your pens carefully. You may whittle nibs to the individual taste of the pupils. Men teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes, or two evenings a week if they go to church regularly. After ten hours in school the teachers may spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books Women teachers who marry or engage in unseemly conduct will be dismissed Every teacher should lay aside from each day’s pay a goodly sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society The teacher who performs his labor faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase for 25 cents
Activity In groups of two, write 5 rules you feel teachers must oblige to in our society today. Then, answer these discussion questions: Do you think men should be treated differently than women? Do you think teachers should be considered professionals? Do you think teachers should be paid well? Please explain all of your answers and be prepared to discuss in class
Expansion of Education Why was higher education important in the late 1800s? Need for more skills Why was it an exclusive opportunity? Men in upper class families Few schools were open, costs How did Women and African Americans get into college? Philanthropists gave money Pressure from contributors All women and all Black colleges opened up
Homework Education is still a growing concern for families around the U.S.. More students are expected to attend college with prices rising every year. The average cost of one year in college is: $10,686 – public with room and board $29,026 – private with room and board Your task is to come up with a plan to make college available to more students in the United States. You need to have a proposal ready for the U.S. Senate (the class) to vote on tomorrow. Please include: How to encourage more students to attend? What are the restrictions or limitations? How will we pay for it? How will we accommodate the large # of new students?