Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) WWE Conference, Minsk


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Presentation transcript:

Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) WWE Conference, Minsk Rudolf Putz Deputy Director, TFP Minsk, 17 March 2016

EBRD: Shareholding structure and triple-A rating The EBRD has a triple-A rating from all three main rating agencies (S&P, Moody’s and Fitch) Shareholding Structure As at 13th July 2012 (1) Includes European Community and European Investment Bank (EIB) each at 3%. Among other EU countries: France, Germany, Italy, and the UK each holds 8.6% (2) Russia at 4% 22 September, 2018

Where we invest 22/09/2018

EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) – How does it work? EBRD supports trade by providing guarantees that cover risks arising from trade finance transactions short-term advances/financing to banks in the Countries of Operation for trade finance purposes trade finance training and advisory service to local banks 3

EBRD TFP Guarantees: Example – Import of raw thread and elastic yarn from Poland to Belarus A Belarusian importer, buys raw thread and elastic yarn from an exporter in Poland Priorbank Belarus issues a counter-guarantee for EUR 300,000 in favor of Commerzbank AG, Germany EBRD covers 100% of the political and commercial payment risk

TFP Belarus Import of food stuff from Ukraine Intra-regional Transactions Import of food stuff from Ukraine Import of ventilation systems from Lithuania Import of children footwear from Turkey Import of medical supplies from Slovenia Import of steel from Russia Import of cars from Hungary Import of agricultural products from Greece Import of trolley busses from Latvia 22 September, 2018

EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) Annual Business Volumes 1999 – 2015

TFP – 1,035 Transactions in 2015 Armenia Ukraine Georgia Egypt Turkey Belarus Fyr Macedonia Mongolia Bulgaria Azerbaijan Romania Morocco Serbia Moldova Croatia Kyrgyz Republic Tunisia Jordan Cyprus Tajikistan Kazakhstan Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkmenistan

800 Confirming Banks in 77 Countries

EBRD TFP – Top 20 Confirming Banks Ranked by Number of Transactions in 2015 Commerzbank Banca Popolare di Sondrio KBC Bank Deutsche Bank Raiffeisen Bank Unicredit Bank UBS Societe Generale Intesa Sanpaolo BNP Paribas Yapi Ve Kredi Bankasi BHF Bank ABN Amro ING Bank Swedbank WGZ Bank Credit Agricole Citibank Banco de Sabadell Rabobank International

TFP and SEFF - complementary programmes EBRD Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities Credit Lines Knowledge sharing & tools Trade Facilitation Programme Guarantees and Credit Facilities Financial Institutions (Banks, Leasing Companies) Financial Institutions Investment loans for green technologies & solutions Knowledge sharing tools Trade finance instruments (LoC, guarantees, factoring, trade cash advances) Local businesses (corporates & SMEs), residential and municipal clients Local Businesses (Technology exporters, importers and distributors) Technology supply 22 September, 2018

Green TFP TFP Supply Chain Development Initiate Facilitation and increase in trade of sustainable energy technologies in EBRD countries of operations (CoOs). Improve access to trade finance for sustainable energy technology suppliers and installers, often SMEs Create competitive markets for sustainable energy/resource technologies Increase the availability of sustainable energy technologies and promote uptake Contribute to the expansion of partner banks’ markets Support the development of the Bank’s TFP - unlock additional trading potential. Potential Sectors & Technologies Farming Logistics Companies Printing Textile Office Building Metal Processing 22 September, 2018

EBRD TFP Guarantees: Example – Import of turbines from Czech Republic into Ukraine A Ukrainian renewable energy project developer imported a turbine from the Czech Republic to be installed in a micro hydropower unit OTP Bank Ukraine issued confirmed letters of Credit for total value EUR 523,000 EBRD covers 100% of the political and commercial payment risk EBRD’s Ukraine Energy Efficiency Programme (UKEEP) helped to assess profitability of the investment. Expected Operational Results Annual green energy production of 4,700 MWh Expected Investment Profitability Annual renewable energy revenues of EUR 526,400 Payback period of 2 years (in present value terms) 98% Internal Rate of Return on the investment

EBRD – Capacity Building Projects 22 September, 2018

EBRD Trade Finance Training Courses in Belarus Factoring Seminar Structured Trade Finance Training TF & Factoring Advisory Services Fraud Prevention Seminars

EBRD Trade Finance Training Courses in Belarus Crisis Response Training ISBP for Documentary Transactions Role of Sanctions in International Trade Finance Banking

TFP cooperation with IFS and ICC New TFP Technical Assistance project supporting IFS “Certificate in International Trade and Finance” – CITF CITF is a new certificate designed to “enable trade, export and commodity executives to gain a thorough understanding of key procedures, practices and legislation in trade finance on an international level” 2 day classroom-style course fully funded by EBRD donor money, training and preparing bank staff as well as staff from corporates and SMEs on content of CITF Participants complete a test and if successful are awarded the CITF title 22 September, 2018

EBRD ICC e-Learning Programme The ICC’s technology partner Coastline Solutions has assisted EBRD in developing an online training programme, incorporating ICC content on rules and operations in trade finance Project-funded by the EBRD’s special shareholders’ fund and offered free of charge to Issuing Banks in EBRD’s countries of operations To date over 500 trade professionals from over 80 banks in 21 countries have enrolled 22 September, 2018

Introduction To Trade Finance NEW! Introduction To Trade Finance Target Audience: Relationship Managers, Product Sales team SMEs, corporates engaged in international trade Legal, Risk Management, Back office teams supporting trade finance operations The course available in English, French and Russian

EBRD Trade Finance e-Learning Programme To date > 1,300 trade professionals from 165 banks in 36 countries enrolled 22 September, 2018

EBRD ICC e-Learning Programme Best students receive further scholarships and sponsored training programmes in leading European confirming banks and training companies: Commerzbank, Germany ICC PARIS ICC Vienna Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Italy BHF-Bank, Germany Belarusian Students consistently amongst TOP GRADUATES 22 September, 2018

TFP cooperation with ICC Austria ICC Austria Trade Finance Week : 6-10 June 2016 11th Global Conference on Bank Guarantees – 6 & 7 June 2016 Case Studies on Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit – 8 June 2016 10th Global Conference on Letters of Credit – 9 & 10 June 2016 For information and current up-dates check out: Update 22 September, 2018

Best Development Bank in Trade Readers of Trade & Forfaiting Review (TFR), Global Trade Review (GTR) and Trade Finance Magazine have voted the EBRD in 2014 and 2015 “ Best Development Bank in Trade” EBRD invites other development banks, commercial financial institutions, export credit agencies and donors to co-finance or co-finance with the EBRD

Donors TFP Technical Cooperation (TC) Projects funded by: The Early Transition Countries Fund The Shareholder Special Fund European Union Norwegian, Swiss, Italian, Canadian, Taiwanese funding and other donors 22 September, 2018

EBRD TFP - Instruction for Exporters & Importers Check under, for which Issuing Banks and which tenors EBRD may guarantee the payment; Ask your buyers/suppliers to check if an Issuing Bank under the TFP would be ready to issue the required trade finance instrument; Ask a Confirming Bank of your choice to confirm the payment instrument under the guarantee of EBRD 7

TFP Trade Exchange Magazine Launched in 2011 9 publications to date Dedicated to Trade Finance and EBRD Technical Assistance Projects 5,000 Readers from 1,000 Banks Reports on: News & Events Regional Focus Features In Depth sector Key Issues Trade Projects

Contacts Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development One Exchange Square London EC2A 2JN United Kingdom E-mail: Web-site:; Rudolf Putz Deputy Director Tel: +44 207 338 7776 E-mail: Anna Brod Associate Banker Tel: +44 207 338 7856 E-mail: Kamola Makhmudova Senior Banker Tel: +44 207 338 7731 E-mail: Join us in social networks: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:

22 September, 2018