Safeguarding Guidance Safeguarding – Everyone’s responsibility. for Students If you wish to disclose information, teachers will: Listen carefully and reassure you that you were right to report it They will not try to investigate or ask leading questions They will explain to you that they must tell someone else who can help you You can report your concerns to the Child Protection Officer. If he is unavailable you can speak to a member of ALT before you leave school. You must not send a friend request to teachers or members of staff on Facebook or other online social networking sites? Staff will not accept friend requests from students. If you send a friend request to any member of staff they will: Let you know that this is inappropriate Reject the request and report this to the Child Protection Officer Using social media in an unauthorised way or a way which reflects badly on the Academy, is unacceptable. Students must not ask teachers or members of staff for their mobile phone number. You will be told that this is inappropriate as personal mobile phone numbers should not be shared. If a member of staff feels uncomfortable regarding interactions with a student. They will: Inform their Line Manager Line Manager will inform the Child Protection Officer If you have a Concern or information is Disclosed, ACT NOW Concern Speak to the Child Protection Officer Write your concern and pass it to the Child Protection Officer Disclosure Speak to the Child Protection Officer Write your concern and pass it to the Child Protection Officer Concern When something that needs action is seen, heard or suspected. Disclosure When something that needs action is shared. Child Protection Officer: Jo Convoy Safeguarding – Everyone’s responsibility.