DMS API gLite Hands On Salvatore Scifo


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Presentation transcript:

DMS API gLite Hands On Salvatore Scifo Consorzio Cometa (PI2S2) - Catania Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing  Lezione 13 - gLite middleware (Data Management - Parte 4) Catania, 06 Maggio 2008

Configuration GSIFTP Hands On Download the gLiteDMSAPIDemo.tar file from the agenda Untar it in your local system tar -xf gLiteDMSAPIDemo.tar Change dir on gLiteDMSAPIDemo working folder cd gLiteDMSAPIDemo Check Environment variables (for GILDA) LCG_CATALOG_TYPE=lfc LCG_RFIO_TYPE=dpm LCG_GFAL_VO=gilda Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th

Configuration If you need to reset Environment Variables use the script chmod 776 . Make your proxy file voms-proxy-init –voms gilda Check for your user ID >id >uid=3017(sammysci) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) Remember that your proxy file is located in /tmp/x509up_u3017 Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th

GSIFTP Compile Check for you classes /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/javac -d classes -classpath lib/cog-jglobus.jar src/ Check for you classes ll classes -rw-r--r-- 1 sammysci users 1637 May 6 2008 GSIFTPTest.class Change directory on classes cd classes Execute gsiftp PUT /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -classpath ../lib/cog-jglobus.jar:../lib/bcprov-jdk15-135.jar:../lib/cog-axis.jar:../lib/cog-url.jar:../lib/commons-logging-1.1.jar:../lib/cryptix32.jar:../lib/cryptix.jar:../lib/cryptix-asn1.jar:../lib/puretls.jar: GSIFTPTest /tmp/x509up_u3017 put /home/sammysci/gLiteDMSAPIDemo/TestFile1.txt /dpm/ Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th

GSIFTP Check for the correct upload Execute gsiftp get dpns-ls /dpm/ Execute gsiftp get /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -classpath ../lib/cog-jglobus.jar:../lib/bcprov-jdk15-135.jar:../lib/cog-axis.jar:../lib/cog-url.jar:../lib/commons-logging-1.1.jar:../lib/cryptix32.jar:../lib/cryptix.jar:../lib/cryptix-asn1.jar:../lib/puretls.jar: GSIFTPTest /tmp/x509up_u3017 get /home/sammysci/gLiteDMSAPIDemo/TestFile1.txt /dpm/ Check for your local file ll ../ Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th

GFAL Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH Change work dir Compile the source code export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/sammysci/gLiteDMSAPIDemo/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Change work dir cd .. Compile the source code /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/javac -d classes -classpath lib/gfal.jar: src/ src/ src/ Execute upload file test /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -classpath ../lib/gfal.jar: GFALUploadFileTest ../TestFile.txt lfn:/grid/gilda/gLiteDMSApiDemo/TestFile.txt 644 Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th

GFAL Check for your file on LFC Execute the download sample lfc-ls /grid/gilda/gLiteDMSApiDemo Execute the download sample /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_11/bin/java -classpath ../lib/gfal.jar: GFALDownloadFileTest lfn:/grid/gilda/gLiteDMSApiDemo/TestFile.txt ../TestFile2.txt Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th

Than you very much for your kind attention! Questions… Than you very much for your kind attention! Corso introduttivo al Grid Computing - Catania (Italy), May 06th