Aim: Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Americas
Spain’s Voyages to the Americas Spain’s rulers had funded Columbus first voyage to the Americas (1492) Agreed to finance 3 more trips Columbus journeyed now as an empire builder The Spanish intended to transform the island of the Caribbean into colonies or lands controlled by other nations 1519: Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Magellan led bold exploration Sailed around the southern end of South America & into waters of Pacific Explored islands of Guam, Magellan, and the Philippines Became involved in local war in Philippines and killed 2
Spanish Conquests in Mexico 1519: Spaniard Hernando Cortes landed on the shores of Mexico After colonizing there, the Spanish turned their attention to the American mainland Cortes marched inland Many Spanish explorers that followed him were known as Conquistadors (Conquerors) Carved out colonies in regions that became Mexico, South America, & United States 1521: Cortes and his men conquered the Aztecs due to several factors: 1) Spanish had superior weaponry 2) Cortes enlist the help of various native groups 3) Natives couldn’t stop diseases that Europeans brought with them (Measles, mumps, smallpox) 3
Spain’s Pattern of Conquest In building their new American empire, the Spaniards drew from techniques during the Reconquista of Spain Relationships between Spanish settlers and native women were common These relationships created a large mestizo or mixed Spanish-Native American population Spanish conquerors oppressed the native people Spanish forced Native Americans to work within the encomienda system- Natives farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish lords Landlords received rights to the natives’ labor from Spanish authority 4
Spain’s Influence Expands Spain’s American colonies helped make it the richest nation in the world Newfound wealth ushered in Spain’s golden age To protect its treasure-filled ships, Spain built a powerful navy Dreams of new conquests promoted Spain to back expeditions into Southwestern United States 1513- Juan Ponce de Leon claimed land of Florida for Spain 1540-1541: Coronado led expedition throughout Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, & Texas Searching for another wealthy empire to conquer but found little gold Spanish assigned priests to explore & colonize the United States 5