Role of Play in Child Development By: Neelima
Play Is an activity for amusement
Play Intrinsically motivated Pleasurable Actively engaged
Play Through play, they learn about themselves and the world around them. What all they see, hear, and feel makes sense to them. Their brains and bodies are ready to learn. (Sensory Integration International 1991)
Play Develops
Physical Strength
Representational skills and concept development
Creativity In Child
Divergent Thinking
Convergent Thinking
Logical classification Sort by features Putting things away by shape and size
Spatial Concepts
Language Development through Social Interactions
Cooperation and Sharing
Art to resolve conflicts
How to get along with each other
Taking Turns
To Be Patient
Play helps children understand Concepts of fairness and competition.
Cognitive Development Through Play
Exploratory Play Children are able to actively explore materials and environments Develop sense of accomplishment and independence Examples: -Running fingers through sand or water
Constructive Play Child uses objects or materials to create a representation of something Symbolic thinking and elements of pretend Hands on experiences Examples: -building a fort with blocks -building a sand castle
Dramatic Play Child uses objects, actions, and language to create imaginary roles and situations Connection between real and pretend Emotional outlet, creativity development Examples: Enacting a story/drama Puppets
Social Development Through Play
Solitary Play Independent activities Early form of play Teaches children to be creative and amuse themselves Development of independence Examples -Puzzles -Lining up toys -Dolls
Parallel Play Children use similar toys or engage in similar activities but do not play together Child will notice what other child is doing and may mimic what they see Can help child understand that everyone is different and everyone has their own ideas and way of doing things
Associate Play Children engaging in similar, somewhat organized activity May talk about what they are doing, share toys and ask questions Teaches child to share and ask questions
Cooperative Play Two or more children interacting with one another toward a common purpose Different roles and responsibilities, contributions made by all Child learns to work together, share roles, compromise, cooperate, etc.
Free Play Muscular development Control of large muscles, fine motor skills Eye-hand coordination Problem solving and creative thinking Therapeutic value Opportunities for self talk Development of self-confidence Learning cooperation and values