Turning the Corner at High Speed


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Presentation transcript:

Turning the Corner at High Speed How Collections Metrics Are Changing in a Highly Dynamic Environment Marija Markovic Independent Consultant Steve Oberg Wheaton College (IL) Concurrent Session 32nd Annual NASIG Conference -- 10 June 2017

What we will cover... Overview of collection metrics trends today vs five years ago: COUNTER reports Document Delivery / ILL Reports Journal Citation Reports (ISI, SJR, Google Scholar rankings) Google Analytics Altmetrics Internally gathered metrics: Library web site access, User metrics Others?

What we will cover... Examples Corporate Library Academic (Liberal Arts College) Library Takeaways

First, a little background info... Marija…copyright law and library services consultant with corporate library experience. Steve...currently works at Wheaton College (IL) as group leader for resource description and digital initiatives.

Metrics Five Years Ago

COUNTER expansion for more than just journal statistics, more standardization and responsibility on vendor side

ILLiad Report: Provided Articles or Book Chapters ILL and Doc Delivery request reports for collection development metrics (Doc Del - title info, number of requests, turnaround times, etc.)

Citation Reports: mostly JCR ISI report from TR

Internal Statistics: library web site usage, journal management system, home-grown platform stats, SharePoint etc.

Metrics Today Clarivate Analytics - Journal Citation Reports, integration w/ Web of Science From: https://www.projectcounter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/COUNTER-R5-Whats-New-2017-05-15-final.pdf SJR - SCImago Journal & Country Rank - Journal Ranking - Country Ranking - Viz Tools (Shape of Science) COUNTER still standing strong, constant improvements to keep up with needs and ensure compliance across the board: platform, database, title and item reports (incl. Multimedia items). Journal Citation Reports: ISI now from Clarivate Analytics, subscription based, integrated with the Web of Science product. SJR: alternative to impact factor; citations are evaluated based on the relevance of source journals (citations from more relevant journals are more relevant); no cost, Google Scholar metrics - summarize recent citations to publications; five year index.

Metrics Today Altmetrics - tracking usage and “attention” around research ILL, Document Delivery, PPV Usage Metrics Statistics Consolidation - discovery systems, content workflow solutions Internal Statistics - web site usage, internal stats, Google Analytics ROI Altmetrics - alternative to citation metrics calculating impacts a citation can have - not only citations, but also, views, recommendations, discussions, downloads/saves. Tracks all the “chatter” around the research. Not just plain old usage. ILL , Doc Delivery statistics and PPV - more granular, more data tracked than just title/request number and turnaround time. Doc Del vendors providing more detail and savvy reporting tools Internal Statistics - new platforms (discovery), consolidation platforms, library web site statistics, Google Analytics

Let’s look at some examples

Corporate Library Example Metrics in Collection Management 5 Years Ago: ROI analysis, limited consolidation programs, standard Doc Del vs sub vs PPV analysis, internal statistics Cost Avoidance ROI Cost Savings All about COUNTER and ROI analysis, comparison of financial effectiveness of the subscription vs ppv or doc del options

Corporate Library Example Metrics in Collection Management today: Too many things to track … → If using a homegrown system or a simple platform, consolidation of all things stats is long and overwhelming → If using a third party product that consolidates all things stats and provides granularity, it is a shorter process, but just as overwhelming. If using a homegrown system or a less complex platform for user access to content, tracking and consolidation of stats is time consuming and overwhelming. Too many spreadsheets and too much time spent on creating visually appealing reports. If using a third party content workflows product that consolidates stats and provides minute detail of usage, it is a shorter process, with ready made visual tools appealing to management, but it can be just as overwhelming: how much do you report back.

Corporate Library Example Budget Types in the Corporate world - ROI inquiry drivers: Allocated, charge-back or centralized Today’s trends and challenges: Platform developments → new sources of stats More data available → more granular stats requested Data visualization → the spreadsheet is not enough Corporate librarians or in-house vendors? User level statistics → Five W’s, Single Sign On (SSO) In the corporate library world, budgets are: centralized (all in one department/division), allocated (a % is allocated to the budget of each or select-only divisions of the company), charged back (for every transaction). This determines the need for the level of statistics and how detailed they need to be. In today’s world of never stopping ever evolving technologies, there is too much data too track, from too many platforms and for too many types of usage, or user information. It seems that the more data is available, the more granular and the more complex the usage report or ROI reports are requested from management. Increased need for transparency. Data visualization is growingly becoming a must. Just a plain spreadsheet analysis is not enough. User level detail is very important -- due to the corp library budget types. Library budget owners or decision makers do want detail on which divisions or even departments are using the content - the five W’s - who, what, where, when, why. Single Sign On technologies, which are becoming prevalent in the corporate library world and becoming a standard overcoming IP authentication, are making the user level information more important and more accessible.

Academic Library Example Our primary outputs for collections metrics: Annual report Outside reporting (IPEDS, ACRL) Collections Team review at renewal

Academic Library Example 5 years ago: we had not standardized on COUNTER, also used additional stats sources such as SFX, didn’t collect stats in a standard or well-documented way, hadn’t implemented pay-per-view

Academic Library Example Today: focused on COUNTER compliant stats whenever possible, standardized reporting for Collections Team review, simplified stats gathering, better documentation, looking to provide more visuals, five years’ of pay-per-view data… ...but still not enough time to properly analyze

Takeaways Metrics are here to stay, in fact, more important than ever Need for more: Granularity Visualization tools New platform stats Always challenging to find time to properly analyze and to see things in aggregate

Takeaways Questions for the audience (maybe): What challenges are you seeing? What other reports would be of use? What kinds of analysis have you found useful and doable?


Contact us Marija Markovic acutesourceinc@gmail.com Steve Oberg steve.oberg@wheaton.edu Twitter: @TechSvcsLib