Grab Bars to Resize Text or Graphics. Henry J / S-10 Project Grab Bars to Resize Text or Graphics.
Rear Quarter Work Mike, I have been getting calls from folks asking about the progress on my Henry so I thought I would provide some additional pics. The photos are presented in Power Point so your viewers should be able to expand the pictures if they are looking for additional detail. As you can see, the car is now on the frame and I am progressing with the interior and wiring. An explanation of the progress follows: Pic of left rear: I fabricated a piece of conduit and attached it to the inner fender well to serve as a guide for my gas tank vent. I also ran all my exterior (exposed) wires through irrigation tube to serve as extra protection. Pics of right quarter panel: Here is something you don’t see every day. A NOS quarter panel. It appears I will have to give up more of my original blue paint but it is a small price to pay!
Front Left Engine Compartment Left front angle of engine compartment: The engine compartment is almost finished. You will notice I moved the “hump” in the grill support bar to accommodate the upper radiator hose. I would like to say this was my idea but I picked it up from one of the other projects featured on your web site.
Engine Front Engine from front of car: The upper radiator hose I happened across was made for this engine / radiator combination. You will note that I was able to retain the original mounting position on the firewall for the emergency brake. The black box to the left of the engine below the coil is a master cutoff switch.
Left Inner Fender Well Left inner fender well: The lower inner fender panel DOES fit and will be installed. I have it off at this point to allow access for my steering column installation. You will also note that I encased all of my wiring either in vintage style harness sheathing or in irrigation tubing as mentioned previously.
Cowl and Windshield Cowl and windshield: This is a good shot of the Hirschmann center line antenna and some of the junk in my garage!!
Sun visor Sun visors and “eyebrows”: Now that I know how to install a headliner I am finished!!! Not without some setbacks however. I checked the internet for recommendations for headliner adhesive and ended up using a 3M product which did, in fact, hold but it bled through the material and stained the liner above the front window, hence the “eyebrows” that I had to fabricate. I covered the eyebrows and sun visors with repro dragon pattern vinyl. After learning my lesson regarding the adhesive I bought a quart of water based contact cement. I applied a coat and it was as tacky as a rock! I added a second coat with the same results. I added a third and forth coat and could not achieve any adhesion but what it did do was seal the cloth. I then used solvent based contact cement and had good results except one small area to the left of my rear window where I did not use enough water based cement and sure enough I got bleed through.
Sun visor 2 Sun visors from passenger side: Nothing to add except that I fabricated an aluminum escutcheon to fit around the rear view mirror to help hold my eyebrows in place.
Dash and Floor Dash and floor: I expect to get my steering column back from the powder coaters any day at which time I will install it along with the signal switch, horn and tach. I will then begin wiring my dash. The right side kick panel is permanently mounted at this point. You will note the front seat sitting on the cement just outside the door opening. I used 55+ year old fabric in the car with the exception of the trunk area and the aforementioned sun visors. I am quite pleased with the “stressed” look and it appears the fabric still has a lot of life left in it.
Rear Seat Rear seat: Again, you are looking at 55+ year old fabric. I am disappointed in the cloudy portion on the rear back and plan to have the entire back redone with another original piece of fabric I was able to locate. You can see the passenger side shoulder harness in this pic. I had a second set of front seats upholstered with reproduction dragon vinyl which you can see through the side window of the car. I was not sure of the durability of the original fabric when I took the seats to the upholstery shop so I thought I would have another set made for daily use. Now that I know the original fabric will hold up I am interested in selling the extra front seats. I had the front bottom seat frame powder coated. I have at least $1,000.00 invested in the second set of front seats which is what I will let it go for ((619) 475-6481).
Right side Rear Seat Right side of rear seat section: Not much more to add. The second set of front seats can be clearly seen through the side window in this shot.
Continental Kit Continental kit: I didn’t notice that the spare tire shroud is not quite “square with the world” until after I took this picture but you get the idea. I happened onto the shroud at a swap meet a while back. I didn’t know if it would fit but the price ($10.00) was right so I took a chance. It was MADE for this car. The rust-through on my right rear quarter panel can be easily seen in this pic but my NOS quarter panel will fix that.
Spare Tire Spare tire in down position: As I indicated in my last submission of pics, I had to virtually re-make every piece of the latching mechanism on this continental kit. I also made a rod frame to secure the spare tire shroud.
Latch Mechanism Latch mechanism: I made an aluminum escutcheon to fit around the key lock and used the pull off of a Henry J glove box as a finger lift.
Trunk Open Trunk opening: I was able to locate a mat from JC Whitney wide and long enough to cover the entire trunk area. The flat bar holding the leading edge of the mat to the back seat is now at the powder coaters.
Left Side Trunk Left side of trunk: I used the original cardboard as my pattern for the new panels. The panels are made from a plastic vinyl (I can provide the exact compound upon request) and then laminated the reproduction dragon vinyl over the top. The speaker pods are made from ¼ inch aluminum plate and then powder coated. The trunk mat slides rearward when the rear seat is in the up position leading to a slight bulge at the rear as seen in this pic.
Left Rear Trunk Left rear trunk area from inside the car: This shot provides a good comparison between the original and reproduction fabrics.
Trunk Inside car Trunk area from inside the car: I still need to install the right rear trunk panel. Otherwise I consider the trunk a wrap.
Outer Rocker Outer rocker: I had a difficult time finding someone who makes outer rockers with the proper sill taper running from front to rear. As you can see I eventually struck pay dirt. For those of you monitoring Henry J adds on eBay you will note an add from Frank Laiacono,, phone# 1-734-377-1825. I contacted him and he offered to make me a pair free of charge if I would send him an old one to be used as a pattern. I consider the fit to be perfect!! I am beginning to run out of excuses for not starting the car and hope to be driving it within the next couple of months. More to follow, Ron.