Geography : Map Skills
Map Globe Globe vs. Maps A globe is a scale model of the earth It is the most accurate depiction of area, distance, and direction However, they do not show close up detail A symbolic representation of all or part of the planet They can show small areas in great detail However, when the curves of a globe become straight lines on a map, distortion of size, shape, distance, or area occurs ex: Great circle route
Absolute Location The exact location of a place using latitude and longitude Parallel, or horizontal, lines that circle the earth Equator – 0 degress and the poles are 90 degrees Listed first when giving exact location Meridians- circle the earth from pole to pole - verticle Prime Meridian- 0 degrees Listed 2nd in exact location Japan’s exact location is: 36 degrees north and 140 degrees east
Hemispheres The grid system, created by the crossing of the lines of latitude and longitude divide the earth into four hemispheres. North South East West
Point out the mapping tools that you can see on this map Reading a map: Page 10
Scale Small Scale Large Scale Small scale maps show smaller areas, like a county, or city, but in greater detail. Large Scale maps show a large area, like a whole country or state, but in little detail Used to show relative location- the location of a place relative to another. Ex: I live near the park. Or, Clinton is on the Mississippi River
3 Types of Maps #1 - Physical #2 - Political Show location and topography, or shape of the earths features Relief- the difference in elevation, or height, of landforms Shows boundaries and locations of political units such as countries, states, cities, or towns Most features are human-made like boundaries, capitals, cities, and roadways.
#3 - Thematic Maps Qualitative Flow Line Maps Illustrates the movement of people, animals, goods, and ideas, as well as process of things like hurricanes and glaciers Maps that use colors symbols, line or dots to show information related to a specific idea