Tool for Storm Analysis Using Multiple Data Sets Bob Rabin NOAA / NSSL / CIMSS Tom Whittaker Space Science & Engineering Center / CIMSS University of Wisconsin-Madison
Goals of the Project Make the results available to others Provide a web-based portal and appropriate tools Augment use of satellite data with other sources Radar RUC analysis Lightning Explore using THREDDS cataloging for data access and VisAD data model for manipulation
Research community needs Rapid access to archived data Simplified conversion of data formats Tailoring the manipulation and visualization of multidimensional data to specific needs For example: integrating and overlaying data from multiple sources in Lagrangian reference systems. Remote access to “slices” of data
Methodology Expand on the ideas of radar tracking algorithms Operate on larger storms (e.g., MCS, tropical) Include multi-sensor data Radars Satellite Lightning Model analyses & forecasts Build a prototype that operates on realtime and archived data Background collection and staging of data User interactive selection, displays, manipulation
Considerations in Gathering of Data At NSSL, acquire and stage: GOES data (McIDAS) Radar data images (McIDAS) Lightning data From NCDC, acquire and stage: RUC data (via NOMADS/THREDDS catalog) Stage data by: Common projection for 'background' images VisAD Data model for co-locating RUC in space and time Server needs to serve many clients simultaneously
Data Flow Radar Tracking Algorithm Lightning Web Server GOES THREDDS RUC model analysis
Example session…
Mesoscale Convective Complex: Mature Stage
Time Series: Mature Stage
Mesoscale Convective Complex: Decaying Stage
Time Series: Decaying Stage
Tornadic Storm Track
Time Series: Tornadic Storm Track