21/21 Nice! 3 2 1 Title Page Contains all required information (name, HR, name of plant, image) Contains most required information Contains some required information Uses 4+ uses of the plant have been itemized and described in detail 2-3 uses of the plant have been itemized and described in detail uses of the plant have been itemized Structure Provides a clearly labeled diagram showing all the important structures of the plant. The function of each item is explained in detail. Provides a labeled diagram showing the structure of the plant. Each item is explained. Provides a labeled diagram showing the structure of the plant. Adaptations 5+ adaptations for survival have been itemized and described in detail 3-4 adaptations for survival have been itemized and described in detail Adaptations itemized
Reproduction Method of reproduction examined in elaborate yet concise detail Method of reproduction examined in some detail Method of reproduction briefly examined Extra Cheese Videos or extra facts are relevant add considerable appeal and interest to the project Videos or extra facts are relevant some appeal and interest to the project Videos or extra facts are relevant add a little appeal and interest to the project Format of presentation Style of presentation lends itself extremely well to communicating relevant information. Images, videos, fonts, and formatting clearly assist with delivery of information. Style of presentation lends itself well to communicating relevant information. Images, videos, fonts, and formatting assist with delivery of information. Style of presentation attempts to communicating relevant information. Images, videos, fonts, and formatting might have been used more efficiently to assist with delivery of information.
Aloe Vera By: Jessica Pickford 7M
Uses Aloe Vera plant produces 2 substances: gel (is the leaf pulp) and juice (outer skin of leaves). The gel is used to treat many skins problems including: burns, wounds and acne. Aloe Vera gel can also keep skin smooth and hydrated because it is designed to live in dry/warm places so it stores water in the leaves. It is a great moisturizer and pain reliever so it is used in many lotions, shampoos and conditioners. It can help fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer without using harmful chemicals. You can use Aloe Vera as a mouthwash. Its natural ingredients, including a dose of vitamin C, can help you prevent plaque. It can also provide relief to your mouth if you have bleeding or swelling gums. If you have 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice per day it will help reduce blood sugar levels with people with type 2 diabetes. If you consume 1-3 ounces of aloe gel at mealtimes, it could reduce the severity of GERD (digestive disorder) and other digestion problems. It has low toxicity that makes it a safe and gentle remedy. You can even eat Aloe Vera!
Structure- Inside of the leaves The Rind/Cuticle is the outer layer of an aloe vera plant. It helps the plant retain a lot of water so they can survive in the hot climates. Has a waxy, thick layer that helps to not do a lot of transpiration. Structure- Inside of the leaves The outer layer of the Aloe Vera leaf contains latex that is the juice used for laxatives. It is a sticky yellow substance. This is the part of the leaf that has the Vascular tissues (Xylem and Phloem). Rind or cuticle Outer leaf part contains latex The inner layer of an aloe vera plant contains the gel that is very powerful. For over 3000 years people have been using it to heal many complaints and illnesses. Aloe Vera Gel
Structure This is the structure of an Aloe Vera plant. It can grow flowers on top of the leaves but it has to be a mature plant (about 4 years). The flowers in the wild bloom at least once a year. It only flowers if it is in its “ideal” climate to help retain its energy (which makes the flower). It is harder to grow Aloe Vera flowers in your house unless it has an ideal location and amount of sunlight and water. From the ground and above is called the shoot. It is where the leaves, stems, and flowers are. Below the ground is where the roots are.
Adaptations Aloe Vera is a succulent which means it grows better in dry, warm climates. However, it does grow in forests and woodland areas. It grows in South America, Southern Australia, Southern USA and in the Mediterranean regions of Africa and Europe. It can survive in 34 to 104 degrees fahrenheit. It adapts to the hot climates by retaining (keeping or holding) water in its leaves so it can survive by having its waxy layer on the leaf. It doesn't let a lot of transpiration happen due to lack of water in its climates. Aloe Vera plants like sandy, well drained dry soil to grow in. Another adaptation is that Aloe Veras use a special form of photosynthesis to help conserve water. The stomata on the leaves, only open at night to take in carbon dioxide while minimizing water loss. The carbon dioxide is stored overnight and is used to manufacture food for the plant in the following morning. Lastly, the adventitious root allows the plant to easily reproduce through cuttings and offsets.
Reproduction Usually Aloe Vera reproduce by asexual reproduction but can reproduce through seeds in the flowers. If using seed reproduction it takes a while to reproduce because Aloe Vera has to grow a flower before the seeds can be made. It takes about 4 years to grow a flower. The seeds develop in capsules at the base of each flower. They are most likely to germinate if they are allowed to dry in the capsules and after the flowers have wilted and have fallen off the stalk. As mentioned, you can also reproduce Aloe Vera plants by asexual reproduction through cuttings or offsets. Reproducing by cuttings help Aloe Vera’s grow several new plants from just 1 cutting! These are good ways to reproduce your Aloe plant indoors as they don’t usually flower as easy indoors. Offsets are small plants that grow from the base of the parent plant. Separating offsets from the parent plant is easy and will grow into mature independant plants when they are repotted.
Extra Cheese I found out that Aloe Vera is the one of the most widely used medically plants on earth. It is called the miracle plant, or healing plant, as it helps MANY people with their illnesses. It is considered the “plant of immortality” by many native people. Aloe Vera is mentioned many times in the bible for its healing. When Jesus died it is said they used Aloe Vera to help preserve the body when they put him in the tomb. In ideal conditions it can live 100 years and there are 240 species of Aloe. It is known as the “lily of the desert”. Cool video about how to make your own Aloe Vera oil (gel). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u16Ihn_Bhyc
Bibliography http://www.healthline.com/health/7-amazing-uses-aloe-vera#2 http://http://www.nairaland.com/345363/plants- useswww.prevention.com/beauty/skin-care/10-things-you-can-do-aloe-vera