Six Essential Nutrients 1. Water 4. Protein 2. Carbohydrates 5. Minerals 3. Fats 6. Vitamins
Water (H2O) Controls body temperature. Enables living plants and animals to hold their shape. Involves the transport of nutrients at the cell level through osmosis and diffusion. Helps digest feeds. Carries waste-products resulting from body functions. Major part of all body fluids.
Carbohydrates (C6H12O6) Simple and Complex Furnishes energy for: A. body functions B. growth and fattening C. reproduction The largest part of an animal’s food supply (usually the roughage in the diet). 4 calories per gram Includes sugars, starchs, and cellulose. Made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Fats Furnishes a concentrated source of energy. (2.25 times as much energy as C6H12O.) 9 calories per gram Forms cholesterol, steroids, and other body compounds. Found in every cell in the body. Skin and hair conditions are affected when fat is absent from the diet. Provides: Energy reserves Protection for vital organs Insulation for the body Made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Proteins Needed for growth and repair of the body. Helps form the greater part of: 4 calories per gram A. muscles and internal organs. B. skin, hair, wool, and feathers. C. hoofs and horns. Contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Minerals Potassium, phosphorous, and calcium are necessary for healthy bones. Salt (NaCl) is important in most body functions (i.e. appearance, growth, appetite). Iron is required for healthy blood and skin. Most other minerals are essential, but are required in smaller amounts.
Vitamins Needed in minute amounts. Essential for life and health. Catalyst for body processes. Promotes growth and reproduction. Contributes to the general health of the animal.
Vitamins and there purpose Source Need Disease A Yellow vegies, dairy, fish and liver Night blindness, Night blindness B1-6 Complex Riboflavin Niacin, Thiamine Meat whole grains and bananas Nervous system, low energy Beri Beri B12 meat, dairy DNA Metabolism Leber’s
Fruit fresh vegies, Narwhal C Fruit fresh vegies, Narwhal Adrenal glands, blood, bones, capillary walls, heart, mucous membranes, nervous system and teeth. Scurvy D Sun light Growth, bones Ricketts E Fish oil and grain oils Nervous system, skin and joints K Dark green vegies and carrots Blood clotting warfarin Protein meat Muscles, repair cells, blood Pelegra Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) Leafy greens, eggs, yeast Nervous system development