World War II Part II
North Africa Why an Important Area? Suez Canal Middle East Oil Fields October 1942: Battle of El Alamein Axis forces defeated in North Africa
Italy July 1943 Allies invade Sicily Mussolini ousted from power September 1943 Allies invade Southern Italy
Turning Point- Soviet Union Leningrad Stalingrad Winter 41-42 Germans besiege (blockade) Leningrad to take the city 1 million civilians die Important industrial city Stalin & Hitler will not let their soldiers retreat Soviets eventually win Germans go on defense Soviets go on offense
Turning Point- Pacific Coral Sea: May 1942 Allies stop Japanese advance on Australia Midway: June 1942 Naval battle that stops the Japanese advance, US goes on the offense Island Hopping: US strategy to skip heavily guarded islands and attack smaller ones Kamikazes: Japanese pilots who would use their own planes as missiles
The End- Europe 1943- Germans pushed back since losing at Stalingrad 1944: Soviets end the siege of Leningrad 1945: In January Soviets are only 40 miles from Berlin (German Capital)
D-Day June 6 1944 US & British forces land in Normandy France Opens a second front in Europe Paris liberated by August
Battle of the Bulge December 1944 Hitler’s last offense on the Western Front Allies win by January
Germany Surrenders April 1945- Soviets surround Berlin May 2nd: Hitler has committed suicide in the bunker May 7- Germany surrenders May 8 1945= Victory in Europe (VE) Day
The End- Pacific By 1944 US is bombing Japanese cities Iwo Jima: US Marines seize the island only 750 miles from Tokyo Okinawa: Invasion of southern tip of Japan 100,000 Japanese die defending US prepares to invade mainland Japan
The Atomic Bomb August 6th 1945: First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima- 70,000 die instantly August 9th: Second bomb dropped on Nagasaki 75,000 more killed August 15th: Victory over Japan (VJ) Day
Post War Atlantic Charter- 1941 Churchill & FDR discuss the goals of the war Yalta Conference- Early 1945 Churchill, FDR & Stalin agree what to do after Hitler’s defeat Potsdam Conference: July 1945 Meeting to discuss post war world and rising US- Soviets tension (Cold War starting) United Nations: Replaces League of Nations to maintain world peace and cooperation