MAGAZINE STANDARDS Titles are in TEEN font. Size 36 (or larger) Sentence text is in CALIBRI (Body) font. Size 14. TIPS: Zoom in to work on sections of your magazine. Text will print MUCH larger than what you see. MONTH DAY YEAR
Cover Page (p.1) Edit the date, volume and issue number. Click on the bird photo and delete it. Insert your cover image. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. BIOLOGY: Include the title for 1 feature article and a 1 sentence description. BIOLOGY: Change the background and text color to match your cover design. Click on Home, click on Shape Fill, and select your background color. Click on Format, click on Text Fill, and select a color. Click on Text Outline and select the same color. Move the BIOLOGY section to a place that doesn’t cover your picture. INSIDE: Include the titles for 3 short articles and list the topic for each. See example – edit to include yours.
Back Cover Page (p.20) Click on the bird photos and delete them. Insert your own images. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. Click on Entertain Your Brain and click Format, then “send forward” Change the background color for the Mystery Photo and Caption This Photo text boxes. Click on Home, Click on the textbox, click on shape fill and pick color. Type in your Science Trivia topics and questions. Change the text size to make your question fit without changing the table.
ScienceWorld FEATURE ARTICLE TITLE INSIDE current science BIOLOGY Life Science 2013-2014 ScienceWorld your names B block MONTH DAY YEAR VOL. ## NO. ## SCHOLASTIC ENTERTAIN YOUR BRAIN ScienceWorld MYSTERY PHOTO current science BIOLOGY CAPTION THIS PHOTO FEATURE ARTICLE TITLE SENTENCE TO SUMMARIZE THE ARTICLE SCI-TRIV GAME TEST YOUR SCIENCE SMARTS! Choose a category and a point value you’d like to play for. Earn points for each question you answer correctly . TOPIC 1 TOPIC 2 TOPIC 3 TOPIC 4 10 POINTS QUESTION A. Answer B. Answer C. Answer 20 POINTS 30 POINTS 40 POINTS INSIDE CELLS: TITLE OF SHORT ARTICLE ECOSYSTEMS: GENETICS: True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False MONTH DAY YEAR
Inside Front Cover (p2-3) Edit the date, volume and issue number. Click on the bird photo and delete it. Insert your cover image. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. BIOLOGY: Include the title for 1 feature article and a 1 sentence description. BIOLOGY: Change the background and text color to match your cover design. Click on Home, click on Shape Fill, and select your background color. Click on Format, click on Text Fill, and select a color. Click on Text Outline and select the same color. Move the BIOLOGY section to a place that doesn’t cover your picture. INSIDE: Include the titles for 3 short articles and list the topic for each. See example – edit to include yours.
MONTH DAY YEAR VOL. ## NO. ## SCIENCE NEWS ScienceWorld SCHOLASTIC MONTH DAY YEAR VOL. ## NO. ## 2-12 Science News TOPIC: CATEGORY HIGHLIGHTS SHORT ARTICLE TITLE 2 Short Article Title 5 Short Article Title 6 Short Article Title 200+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". 12 Short Article Title GAMES 8-12 Games FEATURES 14 Feature Article 1 sentence summarizing article to hook and entice your reader A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia 16 Feature Article 1 sentence summarizing article that makes your reader curious 19 GROSS OUT! 20 ENTERTAIN YOUR BRAIN MONTH DAY YEAR 2 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 3
2 Blurbs and a Short Article (p4-5) Click on the bird photos and delete them. Insert your own images. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. Edit the titles of your 2 blurbs and 1 short article. Add your photos / drawings. Copy and paste your work into the template box provided. Adjust color and location of text so the writing is easy to read.
BLURB TITLE SHORT ARTICLE TITLE BLURB TITLE SCIENCE NEWS 4 5 TOPIC: CATEGORY BLURB TITLE 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia TOPIC: CATEGORY SHORT ARTICLE TITLE 200+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia BLURB TITLE TOPIC: CATEGORY 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia MONTH DAY YEAR 4 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 5
A Short Article and 2 Blurbs (p6-7) Click on the bird photos and delete them. Insert your own images. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. Edit the titles of your 2 blurbs and 1 short article. Add your photos / drawings. Copy and paste your work into the template box provided. Adjust color and location of text so the writing is easy to read.
BLURB TITLE SHORT ARTICLE TITLE BLURB TITLE SCIENCE NEWS 6 7 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia TOPIC: CATEGORY BLURB TITLE TOPIC: CATEGORY SHORT ARTICLE TITLE 200+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia TOPIC: CATEGORY BLURB TITLE 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia MONTH DAY YEAR 6 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 7
2 Blurbs and 2 games (p8-9 and p10-11) 2 games and 2 blurbs anywhere across the two pages Click on the bird photos and delete them. Insert your own images. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. Edit the titles of your 2 blurbs and 2 games Add your photos / drawings /games Copy and paste your text into the template box provided. Move blurbs and game for better layout. (optional) Adjust color and location of text so the writing is easy to read. (optional)
BLURB TITLE GAME TITLE BLURB TITLE GAME TITLE GAME GAME SCIENCE NEWS TOPIC: CATEGORY TOPIC: CATEGORY TOPIC: CATEGORY GAME TITLE BLURB TITLE BLURB TITLE GAME 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia GAME TITLE TOPIC: CATEGORY GAME MONTH DAY YEAR 8 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 9
GAME TITLE GAME TITLE BLURB TITLE BLURB TITLE GAME GAME SCIENCE NEWS TOPIC: CATEGORY TOPIC: CATEGORY GAME TITLE GAME TITLE GAME GAME TOPIC: CATEGORY BLURB TITLE TOPIC: CATEGORY 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia BLURB TITLE 100+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia MONTH DAY YEAR 10 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 11
Short article and Numbers in the News (p. 12-13) Enter a short article with image here. Numbers in the News. Type each of the 6 numbers In 1-2 sentences describe the significance of each number for life science. Add 2-3 cut out (background removed) IMAGES to the Numbers in the News section. Click on the image. Click Format, then click Remove Background. Everything you see in purple will be removed. Adjust the frame so you isolate the image you want.
NUMBERS IN THE NEWS SHORT ARTICLE TITLE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER SCIENCE NEWS TOPIC: CATEGORY SHORT ARTICLE TITLE NUMBER Explain the meaning and significance of this number for life science 200+ word article here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". NUMBER Explain the meaning and significance of this number for life science NUMBER Explain the meaning and significance of this number for life science NUMBER Explain the meaning and significance of this number for life science A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". Wikipedia NUMBER Explain the meaning and significance of this number for life science NUMBER Explain the meaning and significance of this number for life science 13 MONTH DAY YEAR 12 SCIENCEWORLD/your name
Long Feature Article (p. 14-15 and p. 16-17) Enter you image(s) Edit the caption, title and enter your article. Type in your CORE QUESTION. MONTH DAY YEAR
FEATURE ARTICLE TITLE CORE QUESTION BIOLOGY: CATEGORY 14 15 The core question should address the main point of your article, perhaps the learning standard. TOPIC: CATEGORY FEATURE ARTICLE TITLE 400+ word article here A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird. ". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird".. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". . Wikipedia MONTH DAY YEAR 14 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 15
FEATURE ARTICLE TITLE CORE QUESTION BIOLOGY: CATEGORY 16 17 TOPIC: CATEGORY FEATURE ARTICLE TITLE CORE QUESTION The core question should address the main point of your article, perhaps the learning standard. 400+ word article here A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird".. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". . MONTH DAY YEAR 16 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 17
Extra Page and Inside Back Cover (p. 18-19) Click on the photos and delete them. Insert your own images. Click on Format and click on “send backward” or “send to back”. Extra Page (p. 18) Do you still have a learning standard to cover? If so, create an extra section (blurb, game, article, etc) here on p. 18. Done with all learning standards? You can add any type of additional information that relates to our study of Life Science this year. Gross Out! (p. 19) Include 1 photo / drawing. Provide a title Write a 100+ description of the image.
TITLE FOR PAGE CONTENT GROSS OUT! Extra Page – fill it with anything (appropriate) you would like… Photos Extra game Extra blurb Fun facts Quaboag news Unusual skills Biology jobs GROSS OUT TITLE 100+ word DESCRIPTION OF GROSS OUT IMAGE…. DENTAL DISEASE…. here. A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". A songbird is a bird belonging to the clade Passeri of the perching birds. Another name that is sometimes seen as scientific or vernacular name is Oscines, from Latin oscen, "a songbird". MONTH DAY YEAR 18 SCIENCEWORLD/your name 19