The Reproductive Systems
You Only need two things to make a baby: An egg & a sperm Sex cells in women are called eggs Women are born with all their eggs at birth (located in ovaries) Sex cells in men are called sperm Men produce sperm when they hit puberty (they are produced in the testes)
The Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System: Labeled vas deferens seminal vesicle prostate cowpers gland
Testicles & Sperm Fluid will be made by seminal vesicles, prostate gland and cowpers gland to make “ejaculation”. Fluids function to make the sperm motile, and to neutralize any acid in the urethra. Sperm is made in the testes Sperm travels up the vas deferens (tube)
Spermatogenesis = Sperm Production Sperm production begins at puberty and continues throughout life. several hundred million sperm being produced each day. Once sperm form, they move into the epididymis, where they mature and are stored. Sperm that are not “released” via ejaculation are reabsorbed into the man’s body. This is called Phagocytosis
Some points Worth knowing: Sperm is produced outside of the body in the scrotum because sperm needs to be produced at a lower body temperature. Sperm can live in a woman’s body up to 72 hours - that’s 3 days !!!.
Can a man pee during ejaculation? A Common Question... Can a man pee during ejaculation? NO. Even though both ejaculation fluid (carrying the sperm) and urine are released through the urethra, urine will not come out when a man ejaculates. WHY NOT? There is a valve that blocks off the bladder to the urethra.
Once the man ejaculates, his job in the reproduction process is done! The barrier method of birth control is all he can control (other than a vasectomy)- which we will get into later.
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System Labeled myometrium endometrium
Uterus & Eggs Women are born with approx. 400-500 eggs, held in their ovaries. At puberty, an egg will be released each month (called ovulation). This will continue until a woman reaches menopause. The egg will “wait” to be fertilized in the fallopian tubes. If this does not happen, the egg will be released during the woman’s menstrual cycle (period).
The Menstrual Cycle A woman will ovulate every 28 days (approx.) This is when an egg is released. This usually happens 14 days after her last period starts. This is the time when most women will get pregnant if having unprotected sex.
Fertilization When sperm meets egg Happens in the fallopian tube Fertilized egg (zygote) will travel down tube, and implant itself in the uterus. Cells will automatically begin to divide.
How the cycle works: At ovulation, (14 days after period starts)- the egg is released. The female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) will peak- in preparation of a fertilized egg, called a zygote. The endometrium (uterine lining) will thicken- to provide nourishment for a zygote . If sperm and egg do not meet, the thick, blood rich uterine lining is shed (endometrium) because it is not needed.
Fertilization Timeline
It ONLY Takes ONE Sperm... If fertilization occurs a woman is pregnant. Chances of miscarriage are high within the first 12 weeks (known as the first trimester) of pregnancy.