The Urban Heat Island Types of UHI, Diurnal and Seasonal Behavior
Why Study Urban Climate? Pollution (atmospheric stability, turbulence, circulation, mixing, chemistry, etc.) Human comfort and health Energy use for heating/cooling Affects on long-term temperature records Enhanced precipitation in and downwind of cities Effects on various biotic processes Backdrop: Richmond, KY 10/11/05 1:10am
1) anthropogenic heat sources Why are cities warm? 1) anthropogenic heat sources
Why are cities warm? 2) building geometry and surface roughness 3) thermal and physical properties of construction materials
4) decreased evapotranspiration Why are cities warm? 4) decreased evapotranspiration
Richmond Air Temperature (RAT) Network This study employed a fixed-point network of fifteen temperature stations located at sites that are representative of settings found in the Richmond area. All sites were located using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to create the map below. Temperature data have been analyzed by comparing concurrent observations from each of the stations.
Adaptation Strategies Is UHI a benefit or detriment in your town/city (seasonal differences?) Smart urban planning and design Strategic tree/vegetation planting Cool and Green roof technology