Good afternoon. We are excited to have you here Good afternoon! We are excited to have you here! If you’re a weekly attendee, thank you for joining us again! If this is your first webinar, welcome! We hope you find this information useful and we look forward to your feedback. We will begin with a quick recap of NetLaw. NetLaw removes the unpleasantness of death and disability planning with world-class technology that combines the nation’s leading estate planning attorneys with an award winning, cloud-based solution.
Step 6: Preserve Your Wealth Premium Estate Planning Package with Probate Avoidance Will (including trusts for children/grandchildren) Probate Avoidance Living Trust (includes a guide for funding your Living Trust) Power of Attorney Medical Power of Attorney Living Will/Advance Directives HIPAA Authorization LifeVault Access to national network of estate planning attorneys Spouse documents included at no additional cost Thank you, Charlsey! Now let’s discuss your partnership with NetLaw. SMART guide provides interview type input Comprehensive product that generates the essential state compliant documents most needed No hidden fees- one price covers you and your spouse Cloud based LifeVault allows you to update and access documents anywhere anytime Fees: From there, your client will pay $8 per month beginning in month 13, to maintain the ability to have unlimited changes and document storage. This is an optional fee. The client does not have to continue to pay after the first year if the client does not wish to continue the service. However, the client will still have access to documents in their vault, but will no longer have the ability to make changes or add new documents to the vault. We offer a 60 day grace period. There is no cost to reinstate during the first 60 days after your account is inactive. Between 3 to 6 months, there is a $79 reinstatement fee and then $8 per month thereafter to keep the account active. Over 6 months, there is a $250 reinstatement fee and then $8 per month thereafter to keep the account active.
Stan Craig Stan is a member of our NetLaw Support Team. He brings 30 years of experience in financial services. He began his career as a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch. For the next 27 years he at Merrill he moved from FA to office manager, regional sales, national and global sales manager for Defined Asset Funds. He retired as Senior Vice president and Director of The Office of Investment performance responsible for training and assisting Merrill’s Global Advisors in delivering personal investment performance. He also consulted for online financial firms such as TDAmeritrade and FolioFN. He is a recognized expert in advance care planning and author of the book ForeTalk- The Seven critical Conversations, now in it’s third printing. Stan has spoken for clients and leaders from all the major financial firms. If you need any assistance in your business, you will find ready and experienced help from Stan Craig.
The Wide Open Door What is one clear entry to NetLaw Planning that everyone will recognize?
Healthcare Documentation The Three Essentials A Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare A Living Will A Durable Power of Attorney for Finance
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Suggested language ideas Who would you like to speak for you if you were not able to speak for yourself? Who do you trust to speak up for you if that is ever needed? If you or any member of your family are admitted to the hospital, do you have the documents they will ask for? Who is the one person you would trust with your life?
Why do I need that? Hospitalization can cause problems Medications Anesthesia Intensive care or coronary care Treatments Tests Infections errors
Illness can cause problems Accidents Falls Dementia Alzheimer's Fevers and infections Head injury Sports injury Stroke or heart attacks
Who is in charge here? You are IF you choose a trusted spokesperson IF not then…. Any number of physicians can choose your treatment Tests Procedures Even those that may not help but can actually cause harm The state can choose A guardian can choose
Who needs it? Everyone over 18 Parents\grandparents All spouses or loved ones My co-workers My employees Travelers for work or vacations Every driver
Durable means speaking when you can’t Sad truth- a power of attorney is useless when you need it most When you are incapacitated by an illness, medications, accidents lose consciousness Temporary memory loss
Next time… Why everyone needs a living will !! “Thank you for Joining us today, see you next week”
NetLaw exists to help people protect their family, their health and their legacy with easy online estate planning. 1-888-604-4789