Development that got it right (or almost right... ) Good examples of BAP delivery as part of development in Northamptonshire Rachel Gorman Team Leader for Northamptonshire Natural England
Kettering East Proposed Development: SUE of 5,500 dwellings to the East of Kettering Baseline Situation Relatively low ecological interest Some areas of nature conservation value: Woodland Water-bodies River Ise Great Crested Newts recorded in ponds Badger setts located on site & within woodland Mature trees provide potential bat roost locations
Kettering East (Cont.) Habitat Enhancement & Creation Enhancement of existing habitats Creation of links between new & existing habitats across site Creation and enhancement of BAP habitats: Rivers Ponds / Standing waters Species rich hedgerowsLowland meadows Wet & marshy grasslandDeciduous woodland Inclusion of SuDS within the development Enhancement of habitats for local fauna / protected species Ecological Management Plan(s)
Upper Redhill (Wellingborou gh) Upper Redhill Proposed development: SUE of 3000 dwellings to the North of Wellingborough Baseline Situation Existing land use predominantly intensively managed arable fields Some areas of nature conservation value: Woodland Harrowden Brook Blackberry Fox Covert LWS 3 badger setts within site Potential foraging opportunities for bats
Upper Redhill (Cont...) Habitat Enhancement & Creation Retain & enhance habitats of highest biodiversity value Habitat creation to achieve a net gain in biodiversity Contribution to Northamptonshire BAP targets: Deciduous woodlandSpecies rich hedgerows ReedbedWet woodland Ponds / Standing watersLowland meadows Creation of wildlife corridors Ecological Management Plan(s)
Other Examples Priors Hall – 40% built : 60% open space ratio; habitat enhancement for GCN, improved woodland management CVLR / Upton Flood Alleviation Scheme – enhancements for bats & otters; creation of wet grassland, ditches & scrapes Development at Upton – Extensive SuDS system SDLR – protection & enhancement of Stortons Pit Nature Reserve; on and off-site mitigation / habitat creation; project officer employed WEAST / Stantons Cross – habitat creation and management along the Ise Valley