Chapter 6 Section 1 Major Question “What Caused World War I ?”
Factors of Entering WWI- FACTOR 1 NATIONALISM What is Nationalism? A sense of pride in one’s country it creates rivalry among countries (Football Example). An individual example was Germany’s taking of French Alsace-Lorraine in the mid 1800’s(see map). Nationalism and Minority Groups- The idea of nationalism turns to mean pride among a single group to pride that minority ethnic groups, in a country, have for themselves (EXAMPLE AUSTRIA-HUNGARY and Minority Peoples).
MILITARISM It is the glorification of the military; it led to great war production a and preparation for war (see German army buildup before the war and creation of a bigger British Royal Navy). Result: A bigger and more brutal technological war.
ALLIANCES A group of countries that agree to help one another, especially in time of war. Before WWI, many European countries realized that if they had allies, then other countries would be afraid to attack them (other countries would help to make them more powerful).
Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo (June 1914) (Bosnia) he was to be the head of Austria-Hungary when its ruler (his relative) died. He was killed by a group of Bosnian nationalists who felt ties to the country of Serbia.
Kaiser (emperor) William II offered to support Austria-Hungary against Serbia. Serbia was blamed for Francis Ferdinand’s death; Serbia was told to submit to certain demands by Austria-Hungary, and did not. Austria- Hungary declared war (July 1914). The war spread quickly because of the alliances in place. When Germany went to war on the side of Austria-Hungary, Serbia’s ally Russia came to its aid. Germany declared war on Russia. France came into the war to help Russia. Germany then invaded Belgium to attack France. Britain felt threatened by the fall of Belgium and declared war on Germany.
Allies- Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia (later 1917 U.S.) Central Powers- Austria-Hungary and Germany (later Ottoman Empire).
Defensive weapons were better than offensive ones and generals did not consider technology in planning attacks (people cut down and no one moved “Stalemate”).
People lived in wet trenches were they suffered from diseases and trench foot. They tried to stay alive (snipers, no man’s land). In some battles people were killed in the tens of thousands. The battles of Verdun and the Somme created two million casualties