World War I
Leading to War Assassination Imperialism Militarism Alliances
Allies: WWI ADVERSARIES Central Powers: Also called the Triple Entente Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Also called the Triple Entente Allies: France Britain Russia Japan Italy U.S. Also called the Triple Alliance
Getting Involved in World War Remained politically neutral for first two years of the war Americans viewed Germany as cold-blooded and cruel… Remember Why?
Reasons for War German U-Boats Transatlantic line between US and Germany cut. Sinking of Lusitania and Sussex ships that kill Americans. Breaking of Sussex Pledge US banks lend money to Allies. Zimmerman Note Russian Revolution Germany attacks three US ships March 1917 April 6th, 1917 – April 6th, 1917 = Wilson urges U.S. Congress to pass resolution for war against Germany. Congress approves.
The Home Front Women African Americans War Industries Board Fill the jobs of the men who had gone to war (so did minorities) Served as nurses African Americans Migrate north to factories Segregated in the military… usually not allowed to fight War Industries Board regulated industrial production of war goods National War Labor Board Arbitrate labor disputes
The Home Front (Loose lips sink ships) Civil Liberties Denied The Espionage Act and the Sedition Act silence critics of the war effort They were upheld by the Supreme Court (see below) They lead to the persecution of more than 1500 people Eugene V. Debs convicted under the Espionage Act in 1918 and sentenced to 10 years in a federal penitentiary. They hit hard at socialist and radicals Schenck v. U.S the government can restrict the First Amendment right to free speech in time of war.
War Bonds
Modern Warfare Many went into the war thinking it would be like wars in the old day with horses, swords, shields, and single shot rifles. Lasting for one or two major battles. Instead there was many deaths and many battles because of new technology. (grenades, automatic weapons, bombs, poison gases, planes, tanks, and submarines. Lasted for years. Trench Warfare
Casualties of World War I Allies Killed Wounded Russia 1,700,000 4,950,000 France 1,358,000 4,266,000 Britain 908,000 2,090,000 Italy 462,000 954,000 U.S. 116,000 206,000 Others 410,000 343,000 Total 4,889,000 12,809,000 Central Killed Wounded Germany 1,809,000 4,247,000 Austria-Hungary 923,000 3,620,000 Ottoman Empire 325,000 400,000 Bulgaria 76,000 152,000 Total 3,133,000 8,419,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete Total 8,022,000 21,228,000
Results Allies win with the assistance of the United States… Central Powers fall apart… broken into many countries Official surrender is Nov. 11th, 1918 Paris Peace Conference – how to deal with Germany… they come up with Versailles Treaty Germany gets punished/humiliated They have to pay $33 Billion in damages… will Wilson tells everyone that he fears Germany will not forgive or forget this moment. He’s right…
A young Adolph Hitler in WWI…
United States emerges as world power US Results United States emerges as world power League of Nations created by Wilson Congress and President disagree on U.S. joining… Congress votes no, so we don’t join our own creation… Politics!