Second Grade Poems aw—paw—Creepy Crawly ight—light—Marching Through the Night ight—light—Starlight ong—strong—Making Kites oo—moon—The Man in the Moon oo—moon—Moon Song oo—book—Magic ou—house—My Bicycle ow—cow ow--low—Rain ow—cow Song ow—bow song u—cube—Think of U ue—barbecue—Think of U ue—flute—Think of U y—fly—I Spy a Little Fly y—baby—Chicken Soup y—baby—Daisy the Snail
Creepy, Crawly Critters Crept right under Crystal’s door. Creepy crawly critters Crept across the crowded floor. Ran crisscross in a fright; When Crystal’s crazy crocodile Smiled with cruel delight. Creative Teaching Press Fun Phonics—Volume IV Return to Second Grade Menu
Marching Through the Night Left, right, left, right, Marching onwards through the night. Marching till the morning light. Even thought your boots are tight. March right on with all your might! Sue Palmer Return to Second Grade Menu
Starlight Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight. Return to Second Grade Menu
The winds of March begin to blow, And it is time for kites, you know. Making Kites The winds of March begin to blow, And it is time for kites, you know. Here’s the way I make my kite, Watch and help me do it right. Continued on next slide
Making Kites I cross two sticks so thin and long, Tied together good and strong. A string I fasten to each end, And across the middle to make it bend. I measure and cut the paper straight, And glue along the edge and wait. Continued on next slide
A ball of string to hold my kite, When it sails almost out of sight. Making Kites A ball of string to hold my kite, When it sails almost out of sight. And there’s my kite all ready to go, Please March wind, begin to blow! Return to Second Grade Menu
The Man in the Moon Without any warning The man in the moon Dropped into our school At around noon. You may not believe me But I have the proof. There’s a man-in-the-moon shaped hole in the roof. Sue Palmer Return to Second Grade Menu
oo--moon Song (If You’re Happy & You Know It) Sometimes oo says “OO” like in spoon. Sometimes oo says “OO” like in zoo. Sometimes oo says “OO” like in Moon, tooth, and soon. Sometimes oo says “OO” like in moon. by Pam Cannon Return to Second Grade Menu
Magic There’s magic in a book. You only have to look. You can go endless places Or even learn to cook. I love to find A warm and snuggly nook, Where I can curl up And make friends with a book. Pam Cannon Return to Second Grade Menu
Oo—book Song (If You’re Happy & You Know It) Sometimes oo says “OO” like in look. Sometimes oo says “OO” like in foot. Sometimes oo says “OO” like in book, good, and shook. Sometimes oo says “OO” book. by Pam Cannon Return to Second Grade Menu
My Bicycle One wheel, two wheels on the ground, My feet make the pedals go round and round, Handle bars help me steer so straight, Down the sidewalk, through the gate. Source: CanTeach Website Return to Second Grade Menu
Rain When the rain is splashing down, On the fields and on the town, Singing winds begin to blow, And the flowers start to grow. Source: CanTeach Website Return to Second Grade Menu
“ow”cow Song (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) Did you know OW can say “o”? For example: I see a brown cow. Many words use OW for “o”, Like down, clown, and a dog can howl. by Pam Cannon Return to Second Grade Menu
Ow—bow Song (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) Did you know OW says “O”? For example: See the snow blow. Many words use OW for “O”, like crow, slow, and a bent elbow. by Pam Cannon Return to Second Grade Menu
Think of Long “U” Think of words With the sound of long U That end with an “e”, Such as use and clue. The words can be like cube or blue. Pocket Chart Poems That Teach Phonics Scholastic Return to Second Grade Menu
I Spy a Little Fly I spy a little fly Buzzing in the deep blue sky. He’ll be gone by and by. Buzzing round, I don’t know why. Buzzing round and looking sly. He’ll be gone by and by… But not before he’s made me cry. Sue Palmer Return to Second Grade Menu
Chicken Soup I was really hungry For some chunky chicken soup, But my mother said to me, “Just have some chili.” Continued on next slide
Chicken Soup I was really hungry For some chunky chicken soup, But my mother said to me, “Just eat a cherry.” So, I snuck into the kitchen And climbed upon a chair, And with one fail swoop, I cooked my chunky chicken soup! Pam Cannon Return to Second Grade Menu
Daisy the Snail Daisy is a brainy snail, She can drive a train And bring the mail. She can sail a ship or follow a trail Yes, Daisy is a brainy snail. Return to Second Grade Menu