The Cold War - Vietnam March 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

The Cold War - Vietnam March 2009


What is Indochina?

Vietnam: Background France had ruled Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) as a colony before WWII WWII: Japan takes over Important in leading to Japan v. US in WWII After WWII (1945): Fr. tries to regain control but each country gains independence by 1954

Just for fun Go to and type in “French Military Victories” and hit the button that says “I’m feeling lucky.”

Vietnam: Division 1954: Geneva Conference: V. divided into: (1) Communist-controlled North V. under Ho Chi Minh (2) Pro-western South Vietnam Division supposed to end with national elections in 1956. Elections did not take place b/c S.V. knew Communists would win. Communist Viet Cong guerillas will gain control of much of S.V. over several yrs.


Ho Chi Minh mausoleum

Guess which city is the home of the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum!

Vietnam Maps

Vietnam: Domino Theory U.S. belief that if one SE Asian country fell to Communism, the rest would soon follow.

Legitimate or crazy?

Vietnam: US Involvement “Domino Theory” led to gradual US involvement supporting S.V. 1964: Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Congress authorizes military action in SE Asia. US Presidents: Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974) Prior to Vietnam, what was the U.S.’ record in wars?

Vietnam: US soldiers Potential Problems? Pre-1969, draft according to age 1969: Lottery for draft by b’day Combat soldiers avg. age WWII: 26 Vietnam: 22 “Tour of Duty:” Those enlisted &/or drafted required to serve just one year & then come home. Potential Problems?

Vietnam: Fighting Superpower vs. Small “Third World” nation Communist expansion or independence? Viet Cong used “unconventional warfare” Avoid direct fighting, prolong war to demoralize enemy, etc. Turning Point: Tet Offensive (Jan. 1968) Tet: Vietnamese New Year N.V. launched major attack but did not capture any major cities ***US public now perceived US as losing & began to question US objectives in V.***

Vietnam: Anti-War This photo shows a SV executing what appears to be a defenseless Viet Cong prisoner. In fact, the prisoner had just killed 8 SV. Photo by Eddie Adams, 1968

Eddie Adams The general killed the Viet Cong; I killed the general with my camera. Still photographs are the most powerful weapon in the world. People believe them; but photographs do lie, even without manipulation. They are only half-truths. ... What the photograph didn't say was, 'What would you do if you were the general at that time and place on that hot day, and you caught the so-called bad guy after he blew away one, two or three American people?

Eddie Adams "I would have rather been known more for the series of photographs I shot of 48 Vietnamese refugees who managed to sail to Thailand in a 30-foot boat, only to be towed back to the open seas by Thai marines.”

Tet Offensive Map

My Lai

Vietnam: US gets out After Tet, US protests led to gradual removal of troops in area w/ policy of “de-escalation” (later “Vietnamization”) Bombings intensified w/ Nixon 1973: All sides agree to ceasefire but fighting continued 1975: Viet Cong defeats SV 1976: Vietnam unified as one Communist country, Saigon becomes Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam: Results 400,000+ SV died 900,000+ NV & VC died 58,000 Americans died 10 million (about ½ of pop.) became refugees

Agent Orange

Agent Orange: Not Just in Vietnam ROK $62 million

Vietnam: Some effects in US 2 Things US will try to avoid in future: Fighting w/o a clear EXIT STRATEGY*** US casualties*** *** = “Let me explain!”

“Big Mo” of the Montgomery (AL) Biscuits