What was the Industrial Revolution? Chapter 9 Section 1 HW Questions Write questions on a separate sheet of paper & answer in your own words. What was the Industrial Revolution? Explain the concept of the Agricultural Revolution? Summarize the idea of crop rotation. (Extra Credit for drawing a picture) Define Industrialization. List the 3 factors of production. Pick one factor & explain why it is the most important to have it in order to produce goods & services. Define entrepreneur. Provide an example of a modern day entrepreneur. (You may look online) What are canals? Explain the success of railroads. In your opinion, what was the biggest success of the Industrial Revolution? (Provide details)
Chapter 9 Section 2 HW Questions Write questions on a separate sheet of paper & answer in your own words. Describe the major effects of rapid industrialization. Define Urbanization. Explain the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution on living conditions. Describe the average work day during the Industrial Revolution. In your opinion, why is it important to have government aid in case of injury while at work? (Provide an example) Define Middle Class. Who was apart of the upper middle class & lower middle class? Why did the working class riot? Explain the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution. What effects did profits from industrialization have on major cities? In your opinion, how important is the Factory Act of 1819? (Provide an explanation)
Where did the Industrial Revolution eventually spread to? Chapter 9 Section 3 HW Questions Write questions on a separate sheet of paper & answer in your own words. Where did the Industrial Revolution eventually spread to? Explain why the United States had to develop independent industries. What inventions boosted the Industrial Revolution in the United States? Define Stock. Give an example of a corporation you would invest in. (Explain your reasoning) How did the French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars delay the Industrial Revolution in continental Europe? Summarize how the Industrial Revolution influenced Germany. In your opinion, why might other European countries didn’t want to industrialize? (Provide an explanation) Describe what happened between industrialized & non-industrialized countries. List the revolutionary ideas that changed the lives of people around the world?
Chapter 9 Section 4 HW Questions Write questions on a separate sheet of paper & answer in your own words. Define Laissez Faire. Pick one of Adam Smith’s 3 natural laws of economics & describe it’s meaning. Explain Capitalism. When do Utilitarians believe the government should interfere with the economy? Describe Socialism. How is it practiced? Define Communism. In your opinion, what is something you would strike for if your employer refused to comply with your demands. (Explain your reasoning as to why) How did reformers & unions influence governmental officials? Describe how the reform movement influenced the development of equality in society. In your opinion, what was one interesting thing about the Industrial Revolution? (Explain your reasoning)