Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Analysis: In Real Life Maslow’s theory is still used in advertising, business, politics, and education. On your Post-It note please answer the following question: (yes you can write on both sides of the card) The United States has decided to aid a Middle Eastern country in developing a democratic society. The country has been embroiled in violence, illegal smuggling, and poverty for years. Create a plan for installing a democratic society.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Analysis: In Real Life With your group members share your response verbally After each member shares– glue/tape/stick your Post-It note to one of the corners of the piece of paper As a group create the BEST answer from the 4 individual responses. Write the response in the middle of the paper (see photo) Make sure you are collaborating and combining your answers
Group roles: complete in addition to the writing task Person 1: Time manager- help keep group on time and finished on time Person 2: Writer- record group’s BEST response Person 3: Facilitator- leads group in discussion to find BEST response Person 4: Presenter- share BEST response with the class
How to present Summarize each of the four original theories and state the positives and negatives of each suggestion. (DO NOT GIVE NAMES WITH IDEAS) Explain the final idea and why you as a group feel that this is the best strategy to help the country. Explain how this strategy deals with the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Each member of the group must stand up and be ready to answer any questions the group may receive from peers. Professionalism is part of the grade. AUDIENCE: BE RESPECTFUL, QUIET AND PAY ATTENTION. YOUR GRADE IS DEPENDENT ON YOUR BEHAVIOR DURING YOUR PRESENTATION AS WELL AS OTHERS’ PRESENTATIONS!!!!!!
Grade Break-Down Do your assigned task for Person 1, 2, 3 or 4. (some groups may have to divide jobs up based on class size) Present in a professional manner. Look at the audience Have a well thought-out presentation where you know about your concept and how it applies to Maslow’s Hierarchy Be ready to answer questions about the positives and negatives of your idea. Listen quietly to all other groups’ presentations and ask respectful questions. The speech should take at least 2 minutes. So prepare for 2 minutes of talking (not counting the questions)
Maslow Country Presentation PRESENTATIONS You have 15 minutes to finalize any presentation ideas or catch up a member of your group that was absent last class. Sit with your group and get to work NOW! Here is the rubric: Maslow Country Presentation Rating Professionalism: Group speaks to audience, looks at audience; Group knows the plans and how they apply to Maslow; Group sounds as if they have practiced; Group presents themselves as if this presentation is important and in a professional setting. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Content: Group clearly explains all original strategies and can identify the positives and negatives of each; Group can explain the final strategy and how it applies to Maslow’s Hierarchy Knowledge: Group is able to answer questions about strategies and defend their ideas with support. Time: The presentation lasted at least two minutes. Y or N Citizenship: Student participated fully in the planning of the presentation and actively participated in the presentation. Student was respectful during other groups’ presentations (no electronic technology, talking, sleeping or working on other materials)