Student Pathways Survey / Plan The Student Pathways Survey / Plan was developed by the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate (VEiS) in consultation with Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate and Information Technology Directorate. Student Pathways Survey / Plan: is an on-line tool that provides four separate functions: Function 1: Student response and Feedback Report Function 2: Student Pathways Plan Function 3: School Administration Function 4: School Report To complement the original Student Pathways Survey the Vocational Education in Schools developed the Student Pathways Survey Handbook: Supporting student engagement in career and transition planning. This Handbook will be up-dated in 2012 to support schools to access and implement the full suite of resources provided by the Student Pathways Survey / Plan. Most importantly the full suite of resources provided by the Student Pathways Survey / Plan will be increasingly valuable to schools as they reflect and plan to identify ways to support students as a result of the recent legislation which raised the School Leaving Age, to meet regional expectations in line with Public Schools NSW and to address expectations of the National Partnership for Youth Attainment and Transitions.
Presentation Outline Student Access Student Pathways Survey and Plan This presentation will cover the full suite of Student Pathways Survey resources available to schools. Advice on how areas have changed and what has been added will be provided in this presentation.
Student Pathways Survey / Plan The survey will assist you with your thinking and planning for life through and beyond school The survey enables you to reflect on your individual career perceptions Make sure you use feedback report to begin actioning your career and transition plans.
Access to the Student Portal Once logged on the page will look like the next slide…..
Student Portal They will click on Agree after reading the “Conditions of Use”. Then enter their Student Portal Home page.
Student Portal – Home Page The home page of the student’s portal looks like this.
Student access is on the Home Page of the DET Student Portal under Other Sites. When students enter the portal there is an area titled “Other Sites”. On “Other Sites” there will be a small heading: “more….” , which they will need to click onto. In this more expanded section they will find a title that says.. “Student Pathways Survey/Plan”. See next slide…….
Student Pathways Survey / Plan When the students click onto the “Student Pathways Survey/Plan” they will have a page that looks like…….see next slide……. Student Pathways Survey / Plan
Students need to complete the “Survey” and submit it, which then generates an online “Feedback Report”. Students can come back and see this Feedback Report whenever they want to by clicking onto “Feedback Report PDF”. NB: There are live links in the feedback report that will take students to other websites for more information. Once the students have completed their “Survey” they can now open the “Plan”. (The answers provided in the Survey actually drive the format of the Plan.) Students can now complete the plan at their own pace as they can come back and add to it whenever they have time. They are also able to change answers in the plan if circumstances change. They should save the Plan each time before they close it. The can also review their plan by opening the “Pathways Plan PDF”. Having a PDF allows students to save it elsewhere in a personal file or email it to others.
The Student Pathways Survey entry page has a Privacy Notice The Student Pathways Survey entry page has a Privacy Notice. Students should be made aware of the importance of this notice. Students have complete control over the responses they make and they can change these whenever they wish. Students are also made aware that only teachers in their school have access to their Survey responses. Remind students that this is not a test - there are no right or wrong answers. The survey is all about them as an individual.
Some questions ask for responses in a 5 point scale with the option to also respond “I don’t know”. These questions ask students to think about how confident, how likely, or how important something is to them. Some questions ask students for free responses using a text box. Students must complete all questions and then they need to “Submit / Save”. There are 32 items students need to provide a response to.
The Feedback Report has been given more headings to break up the text heavy look that was in the original version. The Feedback Report has live web- links provided throughout the text in the four sections titled: Planning and preparing for your career future Your career challenge Influences on your thinking about future job options The importance of career information and services to you. NB: All the web links have been reviewed and refreshed.
Entry to the Student Pathways Plan also has a Privacy Notice Entry to the Student Pathways Plan also has a Privacy Notice. The Notice outlines to students that they can change their information in two ways: By re-doing the Survey and By changing their responses to their Plan. Please note: If students change their responses to the Survey it is possible their Plan will change and they will need to complete a new Plan format. This is because the response students make in the Survey impact on the design of the Plan that is generated. Revisiting the Survey would be advantageous for students whose career ideas have changed dramatically. Students need to be aware that their plan is NOT set in stone and it can change as they learn that they may have new options or they have changed their mind. Having the option to change the plan is vitally important for students to know. All student data is captured and archived on the 31st December each year. When students enter a new year they will need to revisit and complete their Survey and develop their Plan for the new year. Teachers can access student data from previous years, however encouraging students to capture and electronically store their own Feedback Report and Plan encourages reflection and ownership.
The Student Pathways Plan is generated as a result of how the students respond in the Survey. The following example shows how this works. This student plan was prepared during our testing at Wyong High School. This student would have stated in the Survey that they had a part-time job. Hence they are prompted with a few questions in regards to the job. Students that do not have a part-time job will not be given these prompts. This student has also had a number of part-time jobs as outlined. The Plan templates vary according to the student Year Group and/or Stage.
Descriptions – Work types If a student has not thought about the kind of job they want as a career they are prompted to do some research using the Mini Career Explorer in myfuture. (Students really like this activity) To help students decide on the “work type” they would like to explore further, a description of the work type will appear when they hover over the work type title. Students then explore the types of occupations in the work type (s) that interest them and record the jobs/occupations that they are interested in and/or would like to explore further.
Year 10 Student All year groups have the opportunity to add Work Experience / Work Placement students have undertaken while at school. Year 10 students are also able to record the subject pattern they are considering for the senior years of school. They can also identify if they are seeking an HSC and /or an ATAR.
Actions Towards the end of the Plan students are provided with an Action Summary. Some of the actions are provided throughout the Plan but other actions can be added in by the student at the end of the Plan. The students can click onto “Feedback Report” which will open a window so that students can read and reflect on their feedback report and add any actions that the report might have triggered for them. Student can also add other actions at the end of the Summary in the Plan format before it is saved. Students can enter and re-enter their Plan anytime and change or add new information as well as tick off any actions they have completed.
Thank you ! Questions ?