“Birth” Exodus 1:8 - 2:10 Series: Life Lessons from the Life of Moses
Why Learn from Moses? Moses’ life was an illustration of truths God would reveal later. Hebrews 13:5 Moses was certainly faithful in God’s house as a servant. His work was an illustration of the truths God would reveal later.
Why Learn from Moses? Because Moses was the greatest leader and figure of the OT. Life of Moses covers four books (Exodus, Lev. Num., Deut.). Only other figure in entire Bible to get that much attention/space in bible was Jesus.
Why Learn from Moses? Because Moses is a picture of Christ in many ways. Both were born to be deliverers…. Both enemies had all male children killed to try to prevent their birth.
Why Learn from Moses? God provided a way of escape through Egypt. Moses raised there….Jesus hid there Both were initially rejected by their people (Moses: people said “who made you a ruler over us…Jesus “came in to his own and they did not receive him)
Why Learn from Moses? Both were lawgivers Moses: Ten Commandments Jesus: Matthew 5 and John 13:34-35
Why Learn from Moses? Because one of the best ways to grow in God is to learn from great leaders.
The Big Idea “Our birth is the sign God has a specific purpose for our lives. God uses many means to preserve us so we can fulfill that God-given purpose” . Where is Jesus?: Jesus gives us the only gift greater than birth–which is the new birth. John 3:3; 2 Cor. 5:17
The Text Sometimes God’s blessings brings jealousy and oppression (1:8-12) Pharaoh feared the growth and expansion of Israel, so he punished them & put them in slavery. The more he punished them, the more Israel grew
The Text God uses unsung heroes in our life to ensure his purposes are birthed and not aborted in us (1:15-2:10) unsung hero: a person who makes a substantial yet unrecognized contribution; a person whose bravery is unknown or unacknowledged
The Text Shiprah and Puah… risked their life to save Moses from death (1:15-17) Moses’ mom…gave him birth, then hid him (2:1-3)
The Text Moses sister… watched over him (2:4, 7-8) Pharaoh’s daughter… adopted and raised him (2:5-10)
El Chuwl-THE GOD WHO GIVES YOU BIRTH “…Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you…For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…” Isaiah 43:1-3
Next Steps/Discussion Points Who are the unsung heroes in your life? What is God birthing in your life? How can you partner with God in what he is birthing in your life?