Project Kick Off Meeting July 24, 2007 Coolview Project Kick Off Meeting July 24, 2007
What is Coolview? Project that needs a better name The replacement\enhancement of two critical services OPAC (HIP no long primary customer presentation) Database searching – enabling a more robust federated search
Why Change Existing deficiencies of significant impact Unable to search multiple database resources Unable to easily search and use the existing database resources and the catalog Lack of basic customer friendly functionality no spell check no relevancy ranking confusing and ineffective search mechanism (avoid the huh factor) ????????????
Team Makeup Gem Stone-Logan Installation and integration with Horizon and HIP Cameron Duff Installation and integration with database vendors Susan Staples Project and vendor mgmnt Eric Ewing Staff training Kelli Johnson Public communication and training Jamie Lowen Design input, staff liason Clara Awareness of data accuracy Mike Barger Server and technical support GMAN/Rocketjones Integration with existing web site (look and feel) Janine Reid Project sponsor, provide authorization and final approval
Change to What? Sirsi upgrade (when and what)? Opensource? Aquabrowser – emerged as clear direction, truly no other unless switch ILS
Project Scope Deliverables (when is this called complete) Project measures of success Project risks Assumptions Feedback?
Aquabroswer Let’s take a look
Scope – Team Feedback Feeback Additions/edits/comments……
Timeline July/Early August August Sept October November Nov/Dec finalize contract Push for mid/late Sept implementation August Setup infrastructure Procure and install server Sept Initiate installation October Complete installation Testing and refinement November Staff orientation Nov/Dec Go live for public
Timeline – Team Feedback Comments/changes needed to timeline?
Meeting Deliverables Met? confirmed project team members and how project impacts them have an awareness of what the project is about drafted the project scope developed a rough project schedule
Next Steps Pull together Target Final contract Vendor references Legal review? Target contract signed by end of July