Which sound can you hear? Point to each picture as you say the word that it represents. Ask the children to think, pair, share which sound they can hear in all of the words = + © www.SaveTeachersSundays.com 2013 (Images © www.clipart.com 2013)
What pattern can you see? oval coral petal metal Ask the children to look at how the words are spelt. Ask them to think, pair, share which letters they can see in all of the words = + dial equal medal total royal © www.SaveTeachersSundays.com 2013 (Images © www.clipart.com 2013)
What pattern can you see? oval coral petal metal Ask the children to look at how the words are spelt. Ask them to think, pair, share which letters they can see in all of the words = + dial equal medal total royal © www.SaveTeachersSundays.com 2013 (Images © www.clipart.com 2013)
Capital word word ? ! Why do royal people have crowns? Look at all the sharks by the coral! Read the sentence to the children for them to write. After each sentence, show the children the sentence so that they can check that they spelt the words correctly and included finger spaces, a capital letter and a full stop. My friend won an oval medal today. © www.SaveTeachersSundays.com 2013 (Images © www.clipart.com 2013)