Risto Öörni, M.Sc. (Tech) Implementing eCall System, Prospects of Development and Interoperability with GAIS ERA-GLONASS
eCall – European in-vehicle emergency call system GNSS (GPS, GALILEO) PSAP 2G/3G PLMN eCall standards (the list is non-exhaustive): EN 15722:2015 eCall Minimum Set of Data EN 16062:2015 eCall High Level Application Requirements (HLAP) Using GSM/UMTS Circuit Switched Networks EN 16072:2015 Pan-European eCall Operating Requirements EN 16454: eCall End to End Conformance Testing ETSI TS 103 428: eCall HLAP Interoperability Testing
Regulatory status of eCall in Europe eCall becomes mandatory in M1 and N1 class vehicle models type-approved after 31st March 2018, see: REGULATION (EU) 2015/758 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 29 April 2015 concerning type-approval requirements for the deployment of the eCall in-vehicle system based on the 112 service and amending Directive 2007/46/EC EC has recommended that the eCall discriminator should be implemented in mobile networks in EU member states by 31st December 2014 COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (2011/750/EU) of 8 September 2011 on support for an EU-wide eCall service in electronic communication networks for the transmission of in-vehicle emergency calls based on 112 (‘eCalls’) eCall has been mandatory in public safety answering points of EU member states since 1st October 2017: DECISION No 585/2014/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 May 2014 on the deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall service T 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 eCall became mandatory in PSAPs in EU: 1st October 2017 eCall becomes mandatory in new type-approved M1 and N1 vehicle models (cars and vans): 31st March 2018 Harmonised provision of an interoperable EU-wide eCall is one of the priority actions identified in the European ITS Directive (Directive 2010/40/EU)
Status of eCall implementation in Europe Country Member state status upgrade Number of PSAPs enabled to receive eCalls Status of conformity assessment Bulgaria In progress Czech Republic Yes Cyprus No 1 + 1 backup PSAP Finland 6 + 1 test PSAP Under work Germany In progress (completion expected during 2017) Greece 1 Ireland Italy No, being arranged Luxembourg Portugal 2 Slovenia 13 United Kingdom 5 Adapted from: Rooke, A. 2017. I_HeERO Ostrava. Presentation at I_HeERO Truck Roadshow Conference, 30–31 October 2017, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Future development of eCall Implementation of pan-European eCall is going on in Europe First member states have eCall functional, implementation will continue in the remaining ones Extension of eCall to vehicle categories other than M1 and N1, e.g. eCall for Heavy Goods Vehicles (CEN TS 16405) eCall for Coaches and Buses (CEN TC278, WG15, WI 00278468) eCall for satellite link (CEN TC278, WG15, WI 00278476) Next Generation eCall (NG eCall) Circuit-switched 2G and 3G networks will be closed down sooner or later in future, and an IP based solution will be needed First specifications for NG eCall have been published by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) (RFC 8147) NG eCall application layer is under work by CEN (FprCEN/TS 17184)
Interoperability tests of eCall and ERA-GLONASS Analysis of interoperability of eCall and ERA-GLONASS has been prepared as a desktop study and published as a peer reviewed article Results should be verified in tests with real-life systems; two use cases have been identified: eCall IVS interacting with an ERA-GLONASS back-office system ERA-GLONASS IVS interacting with a PSAP equipped with pan-European eCall Plan for eCall and ERA-GLONASS interoperability tests is currently under work by Finnish and Russian experts The analysis and related interoperability tests will focus on the core features of both systems: Voice connection between user of the IVS and PSAP Transmission and decoding of minimum set of data (MSD) MSD retransmission Call back from PSAP to IVS
Remarks on interoperability At the moment, there is no agreement between EU countries and Russia on handling of emergency calls from vehicles e.g. provision of the service free of charge, prioritisation of eCalls and ERA-GLONASS calls and call handling in interworking use cases Interoperability issues identified so far: eCall PSAPs being implemented now in EU support MSD version 2 (EN15722:2015), specifications of ERA-GLONASS allow use of MSD version 1 (EN15722:2011) until January 2018
Topics for further research Processing of emergency calls from vehicles in cross-border situations: e.g. an emergency call from an eCall IVS in territory of Finland connected to Russian mobile network and Filtering Contact Centre of ERA-GLONASS or vice versa Possibilities for interoperability between eCall for Heavy Goods Vehicles under development in EU and Russian systems (ERA-GLONASS and tracking and tracing system for hazardous goods transports) Interoperability between eCall and ERA-GLONASS will remain as a research topic also in future NG eCall, eCall for heavy goods vehicles…
Arctic Navigation Seminar: Challenges in Arctic Navigation 16–18 April 2018, Olos (Lapland), Finland Preliminary programme available at: https://arkki-project.org/seminar/ Please answer our survey ”Challenges for Arctic Navigation”: https://arkki-project.org/survey