Conference of CEOs of SLNA in Hyderabad 18th -19th February, 2016 DEPARTMENT OF LAND RESOURCES MINISTRY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA For internal circulation and discussion only
Performance of IWMP projects Total number of projects, area, Funds released and expenditure statement (Rs. in cr.) S. No. State Projects Sanctioned Funds released Total Expenditure Amt Released during 2015-16 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2015 Nos. Area (m. ha) Central share State share Total Grand Total 8214 39.069 12496.86 1849.53 14346.39 12758.75 1464.66 1925.07 1 Andhra Pradesh 432 1.810 604.46 144.23 748.69 674.03 86.73 74.66 2 Bihar 123 0.612 57.07 5.65 62.72 56.07 5.00 6.65 3 Chhattisgarh 263 1.195 182.44 35.82 218.26 196.43 20.00 37.58 4 Goa# 0.000 0.00 5 Gujarat 610 3.103 934.25 100.45 1034.7 953.24 100.00 248.00 6 Haryana 88 0.362 58.03 6.45 64.48 48.79 15.69 7 Himachal Pradesh 163 0.840 197.31 219 194 40.00 For internal circulation and discussion only
Performance of IWMP projects Total number of projects, area, Funds released and expenditure statement (Rs. in cr.) S. No. State Projects Sanctioned Funds released Total Expenditure Amt Released during 2015-16 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2015 Nos. Area (m.ha) Central share State share Total 8 Jammu & Kashmir 159 0.652 89.70 14.41 104.11 58.1 0.00 46.01 9 Jharkhand 171 0.911 145.01 25.39 170.4 136.43 20.00 15.05 10 Karnataka 571 2.569 1450.46 147.65 1598.11 1486.86 125.00 111.25 11 Kerala 83 0.423 61.79 18 79.79 67.23 12.56 12 Madhya Pradesh 517 2.937 983.18 233.65 1216.83 916.02 150.00 300.81 13 Maharashtra 1186 5.128 1784.46 354 2138.46 2076.84 250.00 61.62 14 Odisha 310 1.700 715.67 133.49 849.16 753.2 67.50 95.96 For internal circulation and discussion only
Performance of IWMP projects Total number of projects, area, Funds released and expenditure statement (Rs. in cr.) S. No. State Projects Sanctioned Funds released Total Expenditure Amt Released during 2015-16 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2015 Nos. Area (m.ha) Central share State share Total 15 Punjab 67 0.314 52.46 4.94 57.403 47.59 7.95 9.81 16 Rajasthan 1025 5.764 1673.33 363.71 2037.04 1732.64 200.00 304.40 17 Tamil Nadu 270 1.368 689.24 68.25 757.49 681.23 75.00 135.78 18 Telangana 330 1.399 459.94 43.31 503.25 484.24 70.00 19.01 19 Uttar Pradesh 612 3.045 686.18 759.15 585.84 173.31 20 Uttarakhand 65 0.346 97.98 10.89 108.867 67.59 25.68 41.28 21 West Bengal 163 0.693 92.22 16.83 109.05 87.97 10.00 24.97 For internal circulation and discussion only
Performance of IWMP projects Total number of projects, area, Funds released and expenditure statement (Rs. in cr.) S. No. State Projects Sanctioned Funds released Total Expenditure Amt . Released during 2015-16 Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2015 Nos. Area (m.ha) Central share State share Total 22 Arunachal Pradesh 156 0.467 192.42 10.82 203.24 182.23 18.00 12.62 23 Assam 372 1.577 322.44 30 352.44 312.74 45.00 44.76 24 Manipur 102 0.491 109.83 11.48 121.31 111.15 9.00 14.48 25 Meghalaya 96 0.236 145.82 14.25 160.07 140.25 19.82 26 Mizoram 89 0.373 189.47 12.64 202.11 189.56 12.55 27 Nagaland 111 0.476 367.87 27.61 395.48 367.48 27.00 28.00 28 Sikkim 15 0.066 20.68 2.32 15.04 6.30 7.96 29 Tripura 65 0.213 133.15 13.29 146.44 135.96 13.50 10.48 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Year wise Expenditure Rs. in Crore S. No. State 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012- 13 2013- 14 2014- 15 2015-16 (as on 31.12.2015) Total 1 Andhra Pradesh 0.62 5.08 57.22 140.63 190.80 196.74 82.94 674.03 2 Bihar 0.00 4.70 20.75 15.89 15.16 56.50 3 Chhattisgarh 1.05 8.98 17.30 44.07 49.66 49.08 26.29 196.43 4 Goa# 5 Gujarat 0.50 20.76 63.37 157.38 364.11 269.50 77.62 953.24 6 Haryana 0.05 0.14 8.59 13.34 9.85 16.82 48.79 7 Himachal Pradesh 0.01 2.83 17.69 39.21 55.34 59.37 20.22 194.66 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Year wise Expenditure S. No. State 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012- 13 2013- 14 2014- 15 2015-16 (as on 31.12.2015) Total 8 Jammu & Kashmir 0.00 0.05 10.76 25.07 22.22 58.10 9 Jharkhand 5.45 12.87 17.84 42.04 33.31 24.92 136.43 10 Karnataka 11.57 29.23 130.44 405.59 517.83 325.37 66.82 1486.85 11 Kerala 1.61 3.81 11.63 26.01 24.17 67.23 12 Madhya Pradesh 0.06 7.74 94.13 129.19 244.65 272.41 167.84 916.02 Maharashtra 0.02 10.88 82.62 362.60 676.03 552.28 292.94 2076.84 Odisha 0.29 17.08 39.33 88.11 164.30 301.51 142.58 753.20 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Year wise Expenditure S. No. State 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (as on 31.12.2015 Total 15 Punjab 0.34 1.99 7.11 4.72 10.34 18.51 4.58 47.59 16 Rajasthan 0.00 36.24 86.72 217.86 509.52 709.04 173.27 1732.65 17 Tamil Nadu 19.20 49.15 130.13 231.07 205.00 46.34 681.23 18 Telangana 0.07 3.90 19.76 102.43 150.26 131.70 76.12 484.24 19 Uttar Pradesh 38.48 79.36 77.59 254.37 96.87 39.17 585.84 20 Uttarakhand 1.45 5.85 9.89 37.80 12.60 67.59 21 West Bengal 2.40 25.97 36.15 23.46 87.97 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Year wise Expenditure S. No State 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 (as on 31.12.2015 Total 22 Arunachal Pradesh 0.61 19.96 8.69 36.91 118.25 49.20 6.69 182.22 23 Assam 0.81 20.25 41.09 57.28 84.70 95.02 13.59 312.74 24 Manipur 0.00 7.91 17.08 23.60 48.30 13.26 110.15 25 Meghalaya 2.45 9.63 11.97 11.64 60.09 35.47 8.99 140.25 26 Mizoram 5.06 17.70 7.15 17.92 78.49 27.60 35.66 189.57 27 Nagaland 8.56 29.97 62.60 86.04 85.68 93.42 1.22 367.48 28 Sikkim 2.78 2.05 3.92 4.61 0.87 15.04 29 Tripura 0.70 6.39 3.52 23.21 44.01 39.74 18.39 135.96 Grand Total 33.06 312.59 905.98 2194.87 4051.41 3764.82 1454.74 12758.85 For internal circulation and discussion only
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF IWMP Person in number S. No. State SLNA WCDC PIA/WDTs WC Total Required Actual 1 Andhra Pradesh 43 21 72 46 996 856 3799 3407 4910 4330 2 Bihar 11 114 68 473 214 772 522 1370 815 3 Chhattisgarh 15 13 123 64 1315 643 2272 1746 3725 2466 4 Goa# 5 Gujarat 18 362 345 2196 1956 44847 37924 47423 40243 6 Haryana 9 39 300 205 867 1289 1217 1503 7 Himachal Pradesh 66 63 711 424 1224 2019 1726 For internal circulation and discussion only For internal circulation and discussion only
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF IWMP S. No. State SLNA WCDC PIA/WDTs WC Total Required Actual 8 Jammu & Kashmir 14 82 42 593 689 649 9 Jharkhand 15 12 78 43 720 388 1147 1001 1960 1444 10 Karnataka 18 35 116 2506 2083 2558 1910 5160 4144 11 Kerala 332 325 608 596 993 974 Madhya Pradesh 17 145 133 1494 1582 4009 3065 5666 4797 13 Maharashtra 19 195 184 4213 4012 8277 8197 12704 12412 Odisha 128 65 1550 1174 2885 2185 4581 3438 For internal circulation and discussion only For internal circulation and discussion only
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF IWMP S. No. State SLNA WCDC PIA/WDTs WC Total Required Actual 15 Punjab 11 6 39 26 177 87 227 119 16 Rajasthan 12 160 884 759 3529 3393 4585 4324 17 Tamil Nadu 18 72 63 978 881 2690 3758 3650 Telangana 1652 1640 1437 3382 1517 19 Uttar Pradesh 356 133 1076 355 7872 6426 9322 6931 20 Uttarakhand 8 66 47 138 1383 1363 1598 1556 21 West Bengal 54 40 652 391 657 377 1374 823 For internal circulation and discussion only For internal circulation and discussion only
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF IWMP S. No. State SLNA WCDC PIA/WDTs WC Total Required Actual Reqd 22 Arunachal Pradesh 11 10 57 52 624 352 205 897 619 23 Assam 15 150 47 1860 2014 4039 3936 24 Manipur 12 42 408 1258 1146 1720 1552 25 Meghalaya 9 33 28 136 125 135 316 297 26 Mizoram 30 384 351 776 27 Nagaland 55 294 1014 964 376 Sikkim 56 95 91 29 Tripura 14 39 250 234 204 504 491 Grand Total 439 410 2761 2048 26927 20678 95259 82863 125386 105999 For internal circulation and discussion only For internal circulation and discussion only
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER PMKSY-WDC (as on 31.12.2015) S. No. State Creation of new Rainwater Harvesting Structures (no.) Renovation/ restoration of old rain water harvesting structures (no.) Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) Plantation including afforestation & horticulture (in ha) Formation of SHGs)(no.) Providing livelihoods to households ( no.) 1 Andhra Pradesh 29118 3306 63463 28036 41152 43187 2 Bihar 952 512 2225 1232 7038 12513 3 Chhattisgarh 6736 251 29165 412 7540 17541 4 Gujarat 570 24584 111094 278388 8776 152111 5 Haryana 572 269 16366 3392 680 23901 6 Himachal Pradesh 7667 621 15559 5072 5347 14868 7 Jammu & Kashmir 455 110 46 4098 588 For internal circulation and discussion only
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER PMKSY-WDC (as on 31.12.2015) S. No. State Creation of new Rainwater Harvesting Structures (no.) Renovation/ restoration of old rain water harvesting structures (no.) Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) Plantation including afforestation & horticulture (in ha) Formation of SHGs)(no.) Providing livelihoods to households ( no.) 8 Jharkhand 4143 566 13765 2026 2460 12300 9 Karnataka 24732 713 39253 371784 15992 252454 10 Kerala 6610 3665 13298 11250 10016 1188 11 Madhya Pradesh 13782 85 78601 1753 23162 97441 12 Maharashtra 8520 6054 95901 15914 76911 18045 13 Odisha 10661 3779 25942 29142 27488 6293 14 Punjab 72 38 533 1262 800 6812 For internal circulation and discussion only
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER PMKSY-WDC (as on 31.12.2015) S. No. State Creation of new Rainwater Harvesting Structures (no.) Renovation/ restoration of old rain water harvesting structures (no.) Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) Plantation including afforestation & horticulture (in ha) Formation of SHGs)(no.) Providing livelihoods to households ( no.) 15 Rajasthan 44368 263 43714 7828 20355 4917 16 Tamil Nadu 41703 6074 154123 51525 9578 17316 17 Telangana 15765 166 44316 5669 21445 24302 18 Uttar Pradesh 7783 2679 11434 3030 5148 17574 19 Uttarakhand 2728 377 1658 424 1946 3436 20 West Bengal 2039 2466 2281 2920 3424 22558 For internal circulation and discussion only
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER PMKSY-WDC (as on 31.12.2015) S. No. State Creation of new Rainwater Harvesting Structures (no.) Renovation/ restoration of old rain water harvesting structures (no.) Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) Plantation including afforestation & horticulture (in ha) Formation of SHGs)(no.) Providing livelihoods to households ( no.) 21 Arunachal Pradesh 28 12 9 133 22 Assam 2270 1319 135544 73537 2075 4705 23 Manipur 11667 209 1926 2622 11168 6742 24 Meghalaya 3576 408 4671 39938 1349 24073 25 Mizoram 4493 184 3852 27301 269 1214 26 Nagaland 1652 60 4118 68907 2589 10921 27 Sikkim 7 2 9386 97 1814 Tripura 3599 1133 2205 2795 347 14339 Total 256268 59905 915053 1049652 307740 812698 For internal circulation and discussion only
Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) for 2014-15 S. No. State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. 1 Andhra Pradesh 1807 1202 8897 27 11933 705 24572 18760 2 Bihar 20 40 17 212 289 69 507 4937 3 Chhattisgarh 318 172 130 1091 1711 1836 4124.16 6925 4 Gujarat 1020 208 230 4529 5987 736 24626.564 14315 5 Haryana 18 24 36 29 107 75 1871 2806 6 Himachal Pradesh 435 352 171 1538 2061 545 13110 59961 7 Jammu & Kashmir 42 265 307 51 21 6755 For internal circulation and discussion only
Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) for 2014-15 S. No. State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. 8 Jharkhand 30 33 343 189 565 566 1619 32380 9 Karnataka 775 125 3052 1778 5730 197 14561 20578 10 Kerala 127 46 4793 4966 276 6000 34622 11 Madhya Pradesh 5602 719 1322 4070 11713 85 66446.250 59470 12 Maharashtra 2158 340 2498 28049 26455 13 Odisha 352 868 1376 1494 4090 542 3540 18240 14 Punjab 7 2 29 38 15425 275 For internal circulation and discussion only
Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) for 2014-15 S. No. State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. 15 Rajasthan 585 5163 12703 18451 86 13946.42 53182 16 Tamil Nadu 2501 942 2576 4584 10603 2476 26148 104068 17 Telangana 2066 747 968 2567 6348 65 18034 25523 18 Uttar Pradesh $ 459 8 460 936 1863 526 3565 7129 19 Uttarakhand 522 327 521 1167 2537 160 493.26 19202 20 West Bengal 11 9 1078 183 1281 849 1472 2946 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) for 2014-15 S. No. State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional area brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. 21 Arunachal Pradesh 70 68 79 217 310 9942 22 Assam 56 29 77 50 212 111 17029 25970 23 Manipur 455 228 353 3759 4795 191 4168 79194 24 Meghalaya 344 284 266 894 201 774.8053 1868 25 Mizoram 243 227 309 170 949 43 24951 1806 26 Nagaland 400 105 590 1095 62 206 2188 27 Sikkim 44 220 28 Tripura 627 113 837 401 866 7194 Total 20026 11625 36587 33883 102077 10228 314816.4593 448314 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) from April to Dec 2015 State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional are brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. Andhra Pradesh 1883 642 1505 38 4068 3516 33724 10305 Bihar 21 76 23 140 260 58 460 3211 Chhattisgarh 85 56 211 287 639 36 2381 3014 Gujarat 232 59 271 562 114 1232 Haryana 48 240 130 166 584 624 27971 22070 Himachal Pradesh 289 63 73 371 796 2449 11716 For internal circulation and discussion only
No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) from April to Dec 2015 State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional are brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. Jammu & Kashmir 74 89 163 59 25 3823 Jharkhand 9 1 104 1373 1487 81 1099 21980 Karnataka 100 8 426 228 762 6 2005 8139 Kerala 64 65 1524 1653 952 6897.7 20710 Madhya Pradesh 352 12 921 784 2069 12155 6464 Maharashtra 1239 584 1823 20943 20078 Odisha 169 314 353 633 1469 440 3662 9686 For internal circulation and discussion only
No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) from April to Dec 2015 State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional are brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. Punjab 5 1 16 22 3817 190 Rajasthan 26 833 6469 7328 62 14331 40579 Tamil Nadu 886 158 350 553 1947 338 5661 12766 Telangana 1487 313 613 1639 4052 67 9075 14496 Uttar Pradesh 971 138 1494 2604 500 3734 7469 Uttarakhand 429 127 189 654 1399 54 846 3793 West Bengal 11 382 364 758 1617 809 1588 For internal circulation and discussion only
Achievement under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) from April to Dec 2015 State No of New Water Harvesting Structure (WHS) Created No of old Water Harvesting Structures renovated Additional are brought under irrigation (in ha) No of farmers benefited Check Dam Percolation Tank Farm Pond Others Total WHS No. Arunachal Pradesh 17 14 19 49 99 5 68 3070 Assam 47 54 89 88 278 120 13050 11055 Manipur 112 564 288 1047 2011 3 1920 3246 Meghalaya 82 305 411 8 1508 2779 Mizoram 146 166 418 933 1663 141 6850 13655 Nagaland 20 45 Sikkim Tripura 21 148 191 113 250 2719 Total 8805 3710 7355 19248 39118 8995 175766.7 259878 For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of completion of Batch-I & Batch-II IWMP projects sanctioned to the States and irrigation potential generated Name of the State Batch I Batch II Number of Projects Phase Completed Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) No. of Projects Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) Works Phase Consolidation & Withdrawal Phase Cons. & Withdrawal Phase Andhra Pradesh 62 18313 97 19030 Bihar Chhattisgarh 41 5289.58 71 9158.82 Goa# Gujarat 151 46249.44 141 25310.34 Haryana Himachal Pradesh 36 7065 44 3152 For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of completion of Batch-I & Batch-II IWMP projects sanctioned to the States and irrigation potential generated Name of the State Batch I Batch II Number of Projects Phase Completed Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) No. of Projects Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) Works Phase Consolidation & Withdrawal Phase Cons. & Withdrawal Phase Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand 20 9565 22 4200 Karnataka 119 14650 127 14304 Kerala 26 10928.91 Madhya Pradesh 116 28 53578 99 16270.9 Maharashtra 243 19350 370 28550 Odisha 65 9255 62 7250 For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of completion of Batch-I & Batch-II IWMP projects sanctioned to the States and irrigation potential generated Name of the State Batch I Batch II Number of Projects Phase Completed Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) No. of Projects Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) Works Phase Consolidation & Withdrawal Phase Cons. & Withdrawal Phase Punjab 6 13862 13 10050 Rajasthan 162 19521 213 15457 Tamil Nadu 50 32449 62 28290 Telangana 48 17206 74 15202 Uttar Pradesh 66 3031 183 8403 Uttarakhand 39 1053 West Bengal For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of completion of Batch-I & Batch-II IWMP projects sanctioned to the States and irrigation potential generated Name of the State Batch I Batch II Number of Projects Phase Completed Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) No. of Projects Addl Area Brought under irrigation (in ha) Works Phase Consolidation & Withdrawal Phase Cons. & Withdrawal Phase Arunachal Pradesh 13 24000 32 15000 Assam 57 4912.7 86 2673.9 Manipur 27 6087 Meghalaya 18 1879.9 29 1504 Mizoram 16 2034 1205 Nagaland 22 1562 19 1234 Sikkim 3 Tripura 10 888 6 553 Grand Total 1324 154 304660.62 1865 103 244866.87 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Institutional Fund utilization V/s Project Fund Utilization (as on 31.12.2015) (Rs in Crore Name of the State Institutional Fund Project Fund Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institutional Funds Utilized % Utilization Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central+ State+ Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized Andhra Pradesh 3.64 3.83 105 766.07 674.03 88 Bihar 2.92 2.31 79.29 58.57 56.07 95.75 Chhattisgarh 11.18 11.12 98 234.01 196.43 84 Goa# Gujarat 11.69 100 1211.60 953.25 78.68 Haryana 2.61 99.60 64.48 48.79 75.6 Himachal Pradesh 6.57 7.62 115 235.62 194.66 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Institutional Fund utilization V/s Project Fund Utilization (as on 31.12.2015) (Rs in Crore Name of the State Institutional Fund Project Fund Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institutional Funds Utilized % Utilization Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central+ State+ Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized Jammu & Kashmir 4.05 5.58 137.88 107.09 58.10 54.25 Jharkhand 6.80 100 152.23 136.43 89.62 Karnataka 9.12 10.66 116.85 1504.73 1486.86 98.62 Kerala 2.33 79.80 67.23 84.25 Madhya Pradesh 14.02 13.38 95 1216.83 916.02 75 Maharashtra 14.43 2219.76 2076.84 97 Odisha 10.04 849.18 753.22 89 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Institutional Fund utilization V/s Project Fund Utilization (as on 31.12.2015) (Rs in Crore Name of the State Institutional Fund Project Fund Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institutional Funds Utilized % Utilization Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central+ State+ Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized Punjab 3.46 3.45 99.71 51.37 47.59 92.63 Rajasthan 7.34 6.88 93.84 2037.01 1732.64 85.06 Tamil Nadu 8.19 100 699.57 681.23 97 Telangana 2.93 2.90 99 435.84 484.24 111 Uttar Pradesh 19.27 16.49 86 759.15 585.84 77 Uttarakhand 5.79 4.78 83 111.23 67.59 61 West Bengal 3.89 3.99 102.62 112.95 87.97 77.89 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Institutional Fund utilization V/s Project Fund Utilization (as on 31.12.2015) (Rs in Crore Name of the State Institutional Fund Project Fund Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institutional Funds Utilized % Utilization Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central+ State+ Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized Arunachal Pradesh 2.03 100 183.34 182.23 99.39 Assam 6.05 5.17 85 353.20 312.74 96 Manipur 2.73 2.52 92.35 124.81 111.15 88.08 Meghalaya 3.11 2.87 92.26 144.00 140.25 97.4 Mizoram 3.64 203.75 189.56 94.18 Nagaland 9.17 367.93 367.48 99.9 Sikkim 1.99 16.76 15.04 90 Tripura 3.25 3.10 95 154.59 135.96 87.95 Grand Total 179.56 99 14455.47 12758.75 89 For internal circulation and discussion only
Abstract of fund Requirement by SLNA for 2016-17 (Rs in Crore State Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV (2012-13) Batch-V (2013-14) Batch-VI (2014-15) Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.15 Fund Requirement for 2016-17 as reported by State Andhra Pradesh 9.92 225.56 202.41 208.09 99.99 62.62 808.59 74.66 733.93 Bihar 81.86 59.48 48.23 45.6 235.17 6.65 228.52 Chhattisgarh 164.11 121.75 95.13 27.05 12.49 10.2 430.73 37.58 393.15 Goa# 0.00 Gujarat 530.22 728.25 218.2 145.5 1622.17 248.39 1373.78 Haryana 64.5 22 13.5 100 15.69 84.31 Himachal Pradesh 45.86 42.42 17.54 11.38 6.33 7.13 130.66 40.95 89.71 For internal circulation and discussion only
Abstract of fund Requirement by SLNA for 2016-17 (Rs in Crore State Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV (2012-13) Batch-V (2013-14) Batch-VI (2014-15) Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.15 Fund Requirement for 2016-17 as reported by State Jammu & Kashmir 83.85 112.72 39.1 18.39 254.06 46.01 208.05 Jharkhand 24.54 32.92 38.98 31.82 15.85 144.11 15.05 129.06 Karnataka 54.68 335.89 143.81 78.83 84.17 697.38 111.25 586.13 Kerala 140 80 40 24 16 300 12.56 287.44 Madhya Pradesh 179.58 242.7 239.54 74.71 94.81 99.76 931.1 300.81 630.29 Maharashtra 140.34 424.5 255.63 115.74 93.36 50.58 1080.15 61.85 1018.30 Odisha 76.19 152.05 172.53 142.17 29.9 17.8 590.64 95.96 494.68 For internal circulation and discussion only
Abstract of fund Requirement by SLNA for 2016-17 (Rs in Crore State Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV (2012-13) Batch-V (2013-14) Batch-VI (2014-15) Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.15 Fund Requirement for 2016-17 as reported by State Punjab 20.7 48.5 32.7 16.6 18 7.5 144 9.81 134.19 Rajasthan 401.53 900.64 568.64 140.98 92.67 37.83 2142.29 304.40 1837.89 Tamil Nadu 19.6 23.5 147 77.02 105.6 63.41 436.13 135.78 300.35 Telangana 82.03 168.4 28.73 22.67 28.32 29.85 360 19.01 340.99 Uttar Pradesh 144.65 393 131.29 56.82 23.99 21.25 771 173.31 597.69 Uttarakhand 173.43 51.93 15.13 97.84 338.33 41.28 297.05 West Bengal 207.45 86.43 51.86 345.74 24.97 320.77 For internal circulation and discussion only
Abstract of fund Requirement by SLNA for 2016-17 (Rs in Crore State Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV (2012-13) Batch-V (2013-14) Batch-VI (2014-15) Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.15 Fund Requirement for 2016-17 as reported by State Arunachal Pradesh 33.5 51.6 85.66 29.33 13.74 15 228.83 12.62 216.21 Assam 97.29 352.38 246.07 37.19 12.96 5.68 751.57 44.76 706.81 Manipur 87.16 14.88 72.28 Meghalaya 30.94 44.88 34.31 42.58 152.71 19.82 132.89 Mizoram 4.68 45.46 37.11 31.05 23.4 11.88 153.58 12.55 141.03 Nagaland 56.82 42.07 37.13 15.96 151.98 28.00 123.98 Sikkim 11.96 8.96 12.37 1.72 4.72 39.73 7.96 31.77 Tripura 3.64 14.7 36.98 29.09 32.73 117.14 10.48 106.66 Grand Total 1456.48 4136.31 4047.52 1846.04 1270.8 700.64 13457.79 1927.04 11617.91 For internal circulation and discussion only
Agency Registration - PFMS For internal circulation and discussion only
Agency Registration - PFMS For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Expenditure on PFMS For internal circulation and discussion only
Fund released by State Govt- PFMS Data For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only PFMS Trainings Trainings held at the Central level in Delhi Training also held in all States except Bihar, Sikkim, Nagaland & Mizoram Master Trainers identified in TN, Gujarat, Assam, HP, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, J&K States to ensure that all payments are made on the PFMS. States should further train/ refresh training manpower at the PIA at their level. For internal circulation and discussion only
Monitoring, Evaluation & Leanings (MEL) For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only MEL National level: MEL agencies for North, West & NE Regions already in place. South and East Regions under process State level: MEL - agencies engaged in 17 States except in Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, J&K, Karnataka (part), Kerala, Mizoram, Odisha(part), Punjab, TN, UP National level MEL agencies have submitted first report For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) None of the State MEL agencies have submitted Baseline Reports or any Process Monitoring Reports as yet. Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of Batch III projects in Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh has not yet been taken up. Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of Batch IV & V projects has not yet been taken up in any of the 7 States. No evaluation of Works Phase or Endline Evaluation of any project from Batches I-V have taken place in any of the 7 states of North Region. For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) Staff Vacancies: Staff at SLNAs: Punjab having the highest number of vacant positions. Staff at WCDCs: Uttar Pradesh having the highest (45% position are vacant). Staff at WDTs: Uttar Pradesh has 83% WDT positions lying vacant. Staff retrenching is reported during 2015 Staff Training : Large backlogs were noticed in training achievements For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) Staff Payments: IWMP staff in these states gets 75-86% of actual payout from SLNA to manpower agencies. Pay structure is reportedly not in line with market rates, and is reportedly one of the reasons for long standing vacancies in all states except Madhya Pradesh Payment of salaries to Staff in most States is delayed. In Haryana WC Secretary Sambhalkha, IWMP-VII Project, District Ambala had not been paid since March 2014. For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) Staff Training: None of the states shared training needs assessment reports or shared how they monitor the quality of training being imparted. Planning: Most States have not prepared/shared capacity development plans Labs to Manage Remote Sensing & Geographical Information Systems: Only Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand have in-house fully functional RS-GIS labs. MP and HP have outsourced the RS-GIS lab responsibilities to respective State Councils of Science & Technology. Punjab, Haryana and J&K do no have any do not have any RS-GIS lab facility available For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) Watershed Committees: In most States Watershed Committees are not set up or functioning, as per guidelines. Most WCs report that their records are kept with WDT members in their offices, with the exception of Madhya Pradesh. In Punjab, WC meetings are reportedly not regular or non-existent. NRM Works: In Punjab the focus has been on NRM works on CPR lands. Ridge to valley approach wasn’t followed in Bijanpur village (IWMP II), Mohali (SAS Nagar) Monitoring: Uttarakhand SLNA staff reported being overburdened with non IWMP work as the reason for lack of attention to monitoring For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) Livelihoods and Income Generating Activities: This component appears to be a weak spot in IWMP implementation. In H. P. no SHGs have reportedly been formed under IWMP in Solan District In Uttrakhand project village, benefits of IGA were limited to one member each of 2 SHGs that had been formed. In M.P. 11 SHGs were formed in visited project village, 10 were functional but with no IGAs, though RFA was distributed. Only 5 out of 13 SHGs in Project village visited in UP had opened bank accounts and only 2 received RFA In Haryana, Punjab and J&K project villages visited, only 1 SHG each in project village was formed and those too were dysfunctional For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) Convergence: Most States have reported some progress on convergence except Haryana. Convergence with MGNREGA, Agriculture Department was reported by Punjab, U. P, M. P, J&K and Uttarakhand. Punjab reportedly had implemented some activities in Hoshiarpur district in collaboration with Departments of Horticulture and Animal Husbandry, which were appreciated by communities Himachal Pradesh reported convergence with two schemes in Solan District – Drinking Water and Vikas Mein Jan Sahyog (VMJS) Schemes Uttar Pradesh reported convergence with State Rural Livelihoods programme and Skill Development scheme. For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) User Groups, Common Interest Groups & Watershed Development Fund (WDF): These appear to be weak spots in IWMP implementation across all seven states Except for Haryana, none of the projects visited reported presence of functional User Groups or Common Interest Groups. In most projects, WDF accounts have not been opened or were not operational For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) POSITIVES: Entry Point Activities: In most States Entry Point Activities were seen to have been well implemented and were appreciated by the communities NRM Works: Generally the quality of NRM works was found to be good in the project villages visited by the monitoring teams Monitoring: Internal monitoring by SLNA or WCDC is being strengthened in most of the States. U. P. has reported a recent strengthening of monitoring measures including introduction of some innovative strategies M. P. reportedly conducts regular monthly review meetings led by CEO of Zila Panchayat For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) GOOD PRACTICES: Uttar Pradesh: High value crop of Quinoa planted in 20 districts Mobile Tab based tracking of movement of field staff is being implemented Geo-tagging of water bodies across the state New Year greetings to all Panchayats through cards highlighting IWMP activities IWMP Facebook profile created to spread awareness amongst opinion leaders and being managed by CEO directly Complaint box kept in each project village For internal circulation and discussion only For internal circulation and discussion only
SALIENT FINDINGS (North Region) GOOD PRACTICES: Madhya Pradesh Zone wise two days workshops for all the WDT members in the state for Development of proposals for SHGs Grading SHGs and preparation of action plans of each grade under livelihood component Punjab Roof top rain water harvesting in plain areas Uttarakhand Laying HDP for channeling irrigation water on slopes and undulating land For internal circulation and discussion only For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only MEL- Next Steps Improving response time and using MEL findings to improve programme implementation Support required from States for NL-MEL agencies - field and implementation level data, GIS maps, data etc. For internal circulation and discussion only
IWMP-Management Information System For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Developments on MIS Development work undertaken on IWMP-MIS Dashboard for National as well as States levels System to facilitate correction of data in the MIS Data comparison Upload with UC Data sharing for PMKSY For internal circulation and discussion only
Dashboard – State level For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only
IWMP MIS Data Correction For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Trends on MIS in 2015-16 Assam Arunachal Pradesh For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Trends on MIS in 2015-16 Chhattisgarh Gujarat For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Trends on MIS in 2015-16 Karnataka Madhya Pradesh For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Trends on MIS in 2015-16 Odisha Rajasthan Tamil Nadu For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Srishti-Drishti IWMP Bhuvan For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Srishti & Drishti For internal circulation and discussion only
Trainings on Srishti - Drishti All States trained other than Gujarat For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Data Consistency For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Status (Paper reports vs MIS ) State Current Year Expenditure (Upto 31.12.2015) Current Year Expenditure (As on Dashboard) Andhra Pradesh 82.94 97.15 Bihar 15.16 9.63 Chhattisgarh 26.29 50.06 Gujarat 77.62 63.18 Haryana 16.82 6.57 Himachal Pradesh 20.22 15.1 Jammu & Kashmir 22.22 3.70 Jharkhand 24.92 20.54 Karnataka 66.82 25.6 Kerala 24.17 0.17 Madhya Pradesh 167.84 1.00 Maharashtra 292.94 68.47 Odisha 142.58 60.41 For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Status (Paper report vs MIS) State Current Year Expenditure (Upto 31.12.2015) Current Year Expenditure (As on Dashboard) Punjab 4.58 0.04 Rajasthan 173.27 97.9 Tamil Nadu 46.34 39.58 Telangana 76.12 55.44 Uttarakhand 39.17 12.27 Uttar Pradesh 12.60 42.4 West Bengal 23.46 16.3 North Eastern States Arunachal Pradesh 6.69 0.75 Assam 13.59 Manipur 13.26 5.10 Meghalaya 8.99 Mizoram 35.66 38.56 Nagaland 1.22 0.77 Sikkim 0.87 0.09 Tripura 18.39 3.99 Total 1454.74 602.55 For internal circulation and discussion only
Involvement of State Agriculture Universities in Evaluation For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Involvement of SAUs -1 S. No Name of the State Name of University Details of the Assignment 1 Andhra Pradesh ICRISAT Evaluation of Batch-I projects NIRD 2 Assam Assam agriculture University, Jorhat Impact assessment of watershed works meant for reclamation of swampy areas 3 Bihar RAU- (Rajendra Agriculture University) Preparatory Phase of Projects Sanctioned in 2011-12 4 Chhattisgarh Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Raipur Under consideration at Govt. level 5 Gujarat Agriculture Universities will be engaged 6 Haryana Agriculture University not involved in the impact assessment 7 Himachal Pradesh CSK, Agriculture University, Palampur, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh SAU to be involved For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Involvement of SAUs - 2 S. No Name of the State Name of University Details of the Assignment 8 Jharkhand Birsa Agricultural University (BAU), Kanke, Ranchi Preparatory phase evaluation of 1st Batch i.e. IWMP 2009-10 projects BAU, Kanke Ranchi in collaboration with IGNOU and Jharkhand State Watershed Mission DWM course is being carried out in which passed out candidates is being utilized under Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning's & Documentation. 9 Kerala Kerala Agricultural University Hence impact assessment will be conducted during 2016-17 10 Manipur Central Agriculture University (CAU) Evaluation of Batch III, IWMP projects 11 Mizoram Dept. of Forestry, Mizoram University Involves in Impact Assessment as Evaluator of selected Projects. 12 Nagaland School of Agriculture Science and Rural Development (SASARD), Medziphema. Nagaland University. One of the institutions empanelled for evaluation of IWMP Batch I,II & III. 13 Odisha Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar Final evaluation of 72 nos. of both IWDP & DPAP projects in Odisha. 14 Tamil Nadu Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development Studies (CARDS), Tamilnadu Agricultural University Final Evaluation of IWDP and DPAP Projects. For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Involvement of SAUs -3 S. No Name of the State Name of University Details of the Assignment 15 Telangana None of the IWMP projects have completed consolidation phase. Hence Impact assessment not taken up till date. The task of “Impact Assessment” is one of the deliverables as per the ToR entered with the agencies assigned “MEL&D” under IWMP. Under the circumstances, scope of involving Agriculture university needs to be examined. 16 Tripura No SAU in the State 17 Uttarakhand For MEL&D The Energy Resource Institute (TERI) is selected in the state MEL&D Work 18 Jammu & Kashmir SKUAST-Jammu/ SKUAST- Kashmir No engagement 19 Karnataka No involvement of SAU 20 Maharashtra 21 Punjab No AU in State 22 Rajasthan No information from Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh & West Bengal For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of DIP preparation For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of preparation of DIP Sr No State Status (main file) 1 Andhra Pradesh Yet to be started 2 Assam DIP (PMKSY WDC) is being prepared by the project managers of all districts. They will submit the same to Deputy Commissioner. Instructions was issued from SLNA in September,2015. 3 Bihar Under preparation in 14 districts 4 Chhattisgarh Under preparation in 27 districts 5 Gujarat Under preparation in 2 districts 6 Himachal DIP in process ADCs entrusted the task of preparation of DIP. ADCs concerned imparted training. Another training of ADCs, DDAs, DSCOs & ASCOs on 23-2-2016 at Chandigarh to expedite DIP preparation. 7 Himachal Pradesh DIPs for 17 districts to be taken up in 2016-17 8 Jharkhand 3 districts taken up 9 Kerala 2 draft DIPs prepared. 12 under progress For internal circulation and discussion only
Status of preparation of DIP Sr No State Status 10 Manipur 9 districts to be taken up. Work not started 11 Mizoram 8 districts. Under process 12 Nagaland All 11 districts. Not finalized. 13 Odisha Under process in 26 districts 14 Tamil Nadu Total 24 DIPs to be prepared. 2 completed. 15 Telangana 8 DIPs under process 16 Tripura 8 to be prepared. 2 started. 17 Uttarakhand 13 DIPs under progress 18 Karnataka Work started in 8 districts 19 Maharashtra Total 33 DIPs to be made. 5 draft ready 20 Punjab 2 DIPs prepared 21 Rajasthan Work not initiated 22 Haryana 10 DIPs in under process For internal circulation and discussion only
Process Management Software (PMS) For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Trainings on PMS For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Trainings on PMS 45 trainings have been conducted Centrally at DoLR/ NIRD At the level of the States States yet to finalize training dates: MP, Rajasthan, Karnataka Issue: Slow adoption especially by big States having substantial number of projects For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Data Consistency For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Status (Paper reports vs MIS ) State Current Year Expenditure (Upto 31.12.2015) Current Year Expenditure (As on Dashboard) Andhra Pradesh 82.94 97.15 Bihar 15.16 9.63 Chhattisgarh 26.29 50.06 Gujarat 77.62 63.18 Haryana 16.82 6.57 Himachal Pradesh 20.22 15.1 Jammu & Kashmir 22.22 3.70 Jharkhand 24.92 20.54 Karnataka 66.82 25.6 Kerala 24.17 0.17 Madhya Pradesh 167.84 1.00 Maharashtra 292.94 68.47 Odisha 142.58 60.41 For internal circulation and discussion only
Expenditure Status (Paper report vs MIS) State Current Year Expenditure (Upto 31.12.2015) Current Year Expenditure (As on Dashboard) Punjab 4.58 0.04 Rajasthan 173.27 97.9 Tamil Nadu 46.34 39.58 Telangana 76.12 55.44 Uttarakhand 39.17 12.27 Uttar Pradesh 12.60 42.4 West Bengal 23.46 16.3 North Eastern States Arunachal Pradesh 6.69 0.75 Assam 13.59 Manipur 13.26 5.10 Meghalaya 8.99 Mizoram 35.66 38.56 Nagaland 1.22 0.77 Sikkim 0.87 0.09 Tripura 18.39 3.99 Total 1454.74 602.55 For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only E-DPR For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only
Trainings on E-DPR software For internal circulation and discussion only
For internal circulation and discussion only Thanks For internal circulation and discussion only