Understanding the Consolidated Accountability File (CAF)


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Understanding the Consolidated Accountability File (CAF) 9/22/2018

What is the Consolidated Accountability File? Accountability refers to the yearly process used by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to evaluate and rate the performance of public school districts and campuses. State accountability ratings are largely based on student results on state assessments. These results are reported on a Consolidated Accountability File (CAF), which includes a record for every student in the state. Separate CAF Files are generated for use at the state, region, and district level. Copyright © 2015 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS and the ETS logo are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). MEASURING THE POWER OF LEARNING is a trademark of ETS. 30141

State, Regions and District CAF One record for every student (unduplicated) who tested during the 2016-2017 year Region A region should receive one record for each student that tested in their region during the accountability year. If one student reported to multiple schools within the same district, the students’ consolidated student record would only appear once in the region. Likewise, if the student reported out to districts in 2 or more different regions, the student would be included in each regions’ file. District A district should receive one record for each student that tested in their district during the accountability year. If one student reported to 3 different districts during the year, the one consolidated student record should be included in all 3 districts' accountability file. Note: A student who tested in two or more districts/regions, will be reported to each district and region. The students’ record would contain exactly the same data for each district/region and state.

Unduplicated Student Records What’s in the CAF? 7 administrations from 2016-2017 starting with 2016 Summer EOC – 2017 Spring EOC (with Pearson data for TELPAS and Alternate 2) 7 administrations from the prior year (2015-2016) starting with 2015 Summer EOC and ending with 2016 Spring EOC (with Pearson data for TELPAS and Alternate 2) Test Administrations Accountability attempts to calculate one record for every student who tested during the 2016-2017 testing year and this record is the same in the state, region, and district CAFs Includes current and previous year results and reflects home CDC for each administration. Student records are matched across administrations by PEIMS ID, Name and date of birth. Student identifying information is provided, including demographic data, which is populated based on the test administration hierarchy. On-grade and above-grade level test result are included, as well as English and Spanish Records for which the student could not be assigned a Portal Access Code (Record Update Indicator (RUI) 1, 2, and 3) will not be merged with data from another administration Unduplicated Student Records PEIMS data from the October snapshot and the January resubmission. Calculated EOC Cumulative History: 1.For each EOC test, date first document was submitted, scored, and the first substitute assessment was submitted 2.The administration in which the student passed the test or else the last administration test was taken Other Data

Home CDC Determination Examples For each reporting administration, test results are reported to the student’s Home CDC or Campus of Enrollment. This may be different from the Testing CDC or Testing Location. The Home CDC at the time of the May administration is accountable for both March and May results in the CAF. Example 1: Writing, Math and Reading (Grades 4 & 7) are all reported together on a single CSR to one home CDC. Regardless of where the student’s campus of enrollment was in March when taking the Writing, the May M/R campus of enrollment will be accountable for all 3 test results. (This is no change from prior years.) Example 2: March Math and Reading (Grade 5 and 8) are reported together on a single CSR to one home CDC. That CDC will be accountable for the tests of that reporting administration. Example 3: May Math and Reading retest (Grade 5 and 8) are reported together, and a single home CDC will be identified for that reporting administration. Example 4: Grades 3, 5, 8 all other tests are reported together on a single CSR to one home CDC. That CDC will be accountable for the tests of that reporting administration. Example 5: For the Spring, EOC English 1, English 2, Algebra 1, US History, and Biology are all reported together, and a single home CDC will be identified for that reporting administration even if E1/E2 were taken for a different home CDC in March. (This was a change for E1/E2 starting with the 2016 CAF.)

Data Accuracy The data used to build the Consolidated Accountability File (CAF) is: Based on the most current data at the time the files are created Includes TELPAS and Alternate 2 data from Pearson Pulled directly from reported administration data – data is not manipulated Inaccuracies in any administration data will result in inaccuracies in the CAF Important notes: Changes made to administration data after the final CAF files are created will NOT be reflected in the accountability files. Schools need to review and ensure accuracy of each administration, in order to ensure accuracy in accountability. It is critically important that each PEIMS is associated to only one PAC and each PAC is associated to only one PEIMS.

Changes to Accountability for 2016-2017 A “Test Administration Indicator” was added for the 2016 CAF. THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED for 2017 Removed references to STAAR A and STAAR L for appropriate current year administrations. Added new PEIMS Military Connected Student Code for PEIMS Demographics 2017 performance level results have been updated (Approaches, Meets, Masters) and naming for other administrations has been updated for consistency. Updated administrations for prior year to accurately reflect administrations that were updated after the deadline.

Location of Complete CAF Layout (when posted): Representative Data Provided for Each Test in Each Current Year Administration: CDC Enrolled Grade Test Version Score Code Score Code Default Scale Score Raw Score STAAR Progress Measure ELL Progress Measure   Location of Complete CAF Layout (when posted): http://www.tea.texas.gov/student.assessment/datafileformats.

Finding Region and District Files in TOMS Files will be posted to the STAAR Assessment Management System at https://www.TexasAssessment.com/STAAR/ under Reports > Results. Select the Consolidated Accountability File option from the Report drop-down menu and click SEARCH to retrieve your district’s 2017 CAF The Select Reporting Admin field will default to a blank value once the Consolidated Accountability File option has been selected from the drop-down menu It is not necessary to select a reporting administration Questions about how data in the file is used for accountability purposes and appeals should be directed to: TEA’s Division of Performance Reporting at 512-463-9704 Questions about accessing the CAF or the data within the file should be directed to: Texas Assessment Support Center at 855-333-7770, STAAREOC@ets.org, or STAAR3-8@ets.org

2017 Schedule Final CAF due to Texas TEA 7/16/2017 State and Region files 2017 CAF files posted: TBD